so...yesterday i went to mac....and....


Well-known member
i went to the mac counter in macy's with my little sister and her friend. they are eleven and were freakin' cause i wanted to stay at mac the whole time and they wanted to go to limited too....and whatever.

noways, we were looking at the liners. beth, the manager, was busy with some customers. they are so used to me being there, i kind of just do my own thing and when there are no customers, we chat it up.

so, beth came to get something out of the drawer near me and was like "girl, when are you gonna apply for freelance?"
and i was like ""
and she said "why?"
and i said "gosh, i have SO much to learn....i know, like, nothing about foundation. ps, can i have some hyacinth?"
and she said "yeah, come here, and i will go ahead and ring you up...but seriously...we can teach you"
me: "i am so afraid! what if i get denied?"
beth: "girl, its just me! bring a friend in and put some makeup on her and i can tell you what all you need to work on and stuff."
me: "i cant"
beth: "how old are you?"
me: "eighteen"
beth: "then you should apply. you can do it"

then edelyn walked up "hey girl, whats up?!"

me: "but i have never put makeup on anyone else!"
beth: "girl, your makeup looks FIERCE!"

then i chatted with edelyn for a while and then bounced.

but yeah, it just made me really happy. i just started wearing makeup in february and all of the fotds i have posted on here are sooo crappy because it was when i had no idea how to do anythign, i swear i have gotten so much better....i need to post some some more. like, i go to mac at least four times a week and every time i go i get compliments on my makeup from the artists...they all know me and have watched me improve. the other day alicia was like, "you have impressed me so much lately. i mean, you have improved so much!" i just love all of them. they are fantastic.

well, i dunno. it just made me happy that beth said that. i mean, i always thought about working for mac eventually once i got good....i just walked out and was walking on clouds for the rest of the day.

i mean, i told beth i would come in and talk to her some other time when i had more time and she was not so busy.

it was just a really great day and i thought i would share.


Well-known member
She wouldn't have mentioned working for her if she didn't think you could do it. Be confident girl! Go for the interview!!


Well-known member
Do you really want to work at this MAC counter? If so, you should definitely give it a try. If you're not feeling confident with applying makeup on others in a work environment, then practise on friends or family before. It's the best way to get your hand in makeup. Those MAC girls seem nice with you and ready to help you so, it's up to you now
Let us know how things go for you.


Well-known member
She must see something in you, I say go for it!!! If that is what you want to do, then there is no time like the present, seize the opportunity.


Well-known member
wow, congrats . i know that would make my day. if they think you are good enough trust in them, they see enough of people's make up to know.
just go for it!


Well-known member
wow congratulations girl! i really think you should go for it!! atleast you would learn new things and how to improve in areas you are weak in!
good luck!!


Well-known member
yeah. i think i am going to. i went and talked to the manager again about it today [and bought shade fluidline!]. she thinks i should.....

thanks for the comments everyone.
i will let you know how it goes.