SoftSparkle pencil help !


Well-known member
I dont know I just got them yesterday well peacocked and iris accents they're both gorgeous colors- I am having the glitter from iris accents go just about EVERYWHERE and its driving me mad cause I love the color and cant control the glitter- any recommendations, help?...


Well-known member
Hmm...I'm wondering now if it's a hit & miss w/ the liners, b/c my Iris Accents and Reflecto had no fallout whatsoever. I have Peacocked but haven't tried it yet...perhaps Iris Accents stayed b/c I used in on top of Violet Underground? And Reflecto I used right on my bottom lashline then brushed mascara on...maybe that held it better? Well, that's been my experience, hope my musings may have helped somehow!


Well-known member
The only time I have had any problem with mine (iris accednts,night sky or ultra-chill) is when I have rubbed my eyes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shamelessmuse
The only time I have had any problem with mine (iris accednts,night sky or ultra-chill) is when I have rubbed my eyes.

I have a bad habit of rubbing my eyes since they ocassionaly get itchy, I love violet underground it never smudges on me... so I think Im gonna just return it.... there is soo many things comming out in the summer better to save...


Well-known member
this might sound a little risky but I do it anyways. I spray hair spray on a q-tip and then dab it on the liner. The glitter should stay on there for ya!


Well-known member
maybe it's just me or maybe it IS just hit or miss, but i seriously haven't had any issues w/ peacocked...i do notice that after concealer/powder under my eyes i do get less fallout w/ application, or even if i do have fallout, i can usually sweep it off easier since i have something under to "catch" the product. if that makes any sense at all...hope that helps!


Well-known member
I herd of this problem before the pencils came out but I still went ahead a got em because I LOVE GLITTER and i could careless if it got everywhere.


Well-known member
hmm.....the only thing i can think of is that ur rubbing it back and forth a lot so the glitter might be flaking??? maybe try to rub it lightly on ur eye?? hmm im sorry its not working..maybe also try putting a light shadestick as a base before u apply..that way the glitter will stick better? goos luck!