Softsparkle Pencil Peacocked


Well-known member
Originally Posted by petite-madame
Who can recommend me softsparkle pencil peacocked. is it a must have or does there exit other similar liners.

For me, a must have. I love it! The teal pencil is soft and blendable, with silver sparkles. I use it to line my lower lashline when doing either green or blue eyes.


Well-known member
I 2nd Hollie's must-haveness (does that makes sense? *lol*)! For me, Iris Accents and Reflecto were too light (lovely colours tho), and Peacocked gives my eyes just enough oomph without overpowering the rest of my makeup. It's easy to work with, looks lovely with the greens or blues, as Hollie has mentioned, and I like using it softly with purples or pinks as well. Love using it with the Sweetie Cake pigments. Definitely will be trying to score a back-up (after my wallet revives from Lure!)! Get one, I'm sure you'll love it!


Well-known member
i third it! love it on the lower lashline, and i love to use it there with a neutral eyelid and drama lashes.


Well-known member
Fourth it! It is just gorgeous and an interesting teal with a blue-tinge to it. Looks great even on its own!