Some samples of my photography...


Well-known member
(Quick link to most of my pictures...


















I may post more later. I hope you all enjoy!


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Most of these shots are between two different cameras. I have a Canon XTi and a Canon 50D. The main lenses on these are the 17-40L and the 24-70L


Well-known member
wow you're so talented. i know this sounds like a ridic question, but does freelance photography pay well? and is it a difficult field to get into?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
wow you're so talented. i know this sounds like a ridic question, but does freelance photography pay well? and is it a difficult field to get into?

I'm a freelance photographer... and yeah, don't get into it for money. Nowadays where DSLRs are cheap, everyone and their grandma is getting into photography and calling themselves photographers, and it makes it harder and harder to make money doing it. If people don't like your rates, they'll find the next person in line that's cheaper, or even free. A lot of the legitimate people have to really struggle to compete now, even if their photography is miles and miles ahead of the competition.

Luckily, I know personally, I don't really care about the money (for the most part). I enjoy photography, and it's not my main source of income. It still bothers me how people think they can go buy a cheap camera and get into photography to make a cheap buck, and just want the money part of it. To me it's more about the personal expression and capturing life, maybe I'm just old school, heh.

To the OP, I really like the pirate set (that's a pirate costume, right?)!


Well-known member

And yeah, getting into it for the money is TOUGH! I agree with the everyone and their grandma getting a camera and calling themselves a photographer. It's annoying as anything, but I see it every day (I work in a camera store).

Luckily we've built a small clientele and so far so good. We do everything from senior portraits to weddings. (Btw I love that there are still some people out there that view photography the way I do. It's an art, and I don't have to be making money off of it in order to do it.)

Yup, that's a Pirate Halloween costume. She had that costume for a party and asked if I would take pictures of her in it. Her and I were very happy with the results.


Well-known member
Nice to know I'm not too much of a freak, haha
I do a lot of automotive/event work, and I see way too many people that go out and get cameras because they think it's the cool and trendy thing to do, and sometimes it's really depressing because those are the people I have to compete against for work/recognition/publications, and I know whenever it stops being "trendy" they won't care, whereas I'll treasure my pictures and experiences for a long long time.

But like you said, it's about getting a clientle, and that usually helps as they tell others, and they tell others and so on. I am a staff photog for a magazine, and that really helps out with finding additional people/etc for work.


Well-known member
because most of todays dslr's have automatic modes its basically an expensive point and shoot, which makes it easy for a lot of people to take pictures, When I ask people what F-stop they used for a certain picture they look at me like I'm from another planet. although usually I ask just to get that reaction. I just got my first Dslr, I had used a oolld nikon 35mm, but film is too expensive, and my point and shoot powershot was not cutting it, although it did take decent pictures just not up to my standards. I don't ever plan to do it for money though. Its just a hobby that I enjoy. I hang my pictures in my house but that is about it.


Well-known member
Oh trust me, I know the frustrations of asking someone that is looking at a new DSLR about F stop, aperture, ISO, etc.. and them going "Huh?"

We get people into my store all the time telling us they're buying a camera to do weddings or senior portraits, but they have no idea what they're looking for.

I've had a client cancel on me, day of our shoot and say she had a friend doing them instead because they were for free. (Of course she came back to me afterwards. The pictures from her friend turned out AWFUL, because she had no clue what she was doing.)


Well-known member
Im jealous, I love those picture,
One day maybe one day Ill get one of those amazing cameras to take pics.


Well-known member
Ooh such nice photos I'm getting Sony a350 next week I'll have to hit you up for tips my last camera dies


Well-known member
Thanks so much!

I'm totally in love with the a350. I had an a100 before my canon, and had I stayed with sony that's what I would have gotten. Feel free to PM me if you ever need any help or if you want an honest opinion.