Someone tell me what's WRONG with this boy!


Well-known member
Ok, this guy's my 'friend' or was a friend. We had a thing over a year ago and we went out for like 3 days. lol. yah, it was short. I broke it off cuz I didn't really like him as a bf. Anyways...the school year after that, he appparently still liked me and asked me to Prom. I said yes and I saw the whole thing as friends thing. I guess he didn't. Well, he asked me out in a way several times during that time and I told him no in GENTLE ways. He felt that I was leading him on and after that, he refused to talk to me. lol.So yah. I left him alone like that. Then after a while, he started talking to me again and we were 'friends' again even though I think he still liked me.

Anyways, last night, I took a Myspace survey and posted it on the bulletin. Then he sends me a msg saying this:

03. Why did your last relationship fail: cuz I dumped him.

Wow, what a bitch. You forgot the three rejections, the prom you led me on at, and all the other dumbass shit you pulled. Thanks


and my thoughts were....WTH'S WRONG WITH HIM? lol. First of all, I might not be talking about him. And second, why does he get all freaked out? And third, WHAT'S HIS PROBLEM????

So I sent him a reply asking him what's his problem and look what he said:

03. Why did your last relationship fail: **cuz I dumped him.**
thats incredidbly bitchy! Relationships don't fail because you dump somone! Thats how they end. Just Kind of pissed me off that you would say that... You really don't see that as bitchy?


my reply to this was :

why the HELL are you taking the survey so seriously? I know relationships don't fail cuz you dump someone! People don't fill out these stupid myspace seriously! it's MYSPACE. Do I HAVE to go in to why it failed? omg.

his reply:

Why the hell shouldn't I take it seriously? It's just as bitchy an answer to a myspace question as if you said it to my face. Maybe more so! My friends all read it. Now they think your crazy too. Say what you mean.


again, who said i was talking about HIM?! Does he think I don't have other guys?! I think I'm owed an apology. Do you think so?



Well-known member
I don't think you're owed an apology because it's not worth spending any time thinking about. If you want that guy to apologize then it sounds like you care what he and his friends think. Who cares about people picking fights on Myspace?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banjobama
I don't think you're owed an apology because it's not worth spending any time thinking about. If you want that guy to apologize then it sounds like you care what he and his friends think. Who cares about people picking fights on Myspace?

I honestly don't care what they think. BUT I want an apology for him acting like a retard and calling me a bitch for nothing that i did wrong.


Well-known member
I think its pretty obvious that he felt strongly about you. Maybe you didn't think anything of his feelings because you didn't like him as a boyfriend and thats as far as it went to you. But since you guys didn't last too long and you were never really interested in the first place, I think you never really thought about just how much he may have liked you. :confused:

BUT, he is taking things too far. Who cares about myspace, and a dumb survey?? He's looking too deep into it and maybe this is his way of trying to show you that he still has feelings for you? I don't know...I don't think you deserve an apology, because its not that serious. Maybe if you explain to him in a nice way that you weren't necessarily talking about him and that you think he's being a little ridiculous, you guys can get over it. If he doesn't want to accept your apology, then I wouldn't worry about it. He seems immature and it sounds like he has nothing better to do than to start fights with you over a silly survey.


Well-known member
I agree with the above. He does still care (probably a lot) & that's why he is so touchy about the subject. You can try to get an apology if that's what you need, but he's hurt & you can't make someone apologize to you. I think you should just cut ties with seems too hard for him to be "just friends."


Well-known member
If he cares soooo much, then why didn't he act like it when we dated before? I mean, before when we were going out, we had one same class together. So I'd want to walk with him after that but he would just leave me without even saying bye with his friends. A lot of things he did made me feel like he didn't care. In my opinion, he just isn't a good bf material. I still think he's a dick for going crazy like that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by STolEn_KisS
I honestly don't care what they think. BUT I want an apology for him acting like a retard and calling me a bitch for nothing that i did wrong.

If I were you I'd just delete him from my friends and move on, not to waste time to try to get him to apologize. It's not like it was a huge scene in front of a lot of people. Don't stoop to his level!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banjobama
If I were you I'd just delete him from my friends and move on, not to waste time to try to get him to apologize. It's not like it was a huge scene in front of a lot of people. Don't stoop to his level!

lol. I guess so..


Well-known member
Ok you probably aren't going to like this but I am going to say it anyway, I think it was very harsh to write "cus I dumped him". If someone I had feelings for wrote that about me I would be very hurt. He freaked out because it hurt him obviously he still likes you. Guys also don't like it when they are rejected like that specially if their friends find out!
Boys don't think like us, which makes it very hard. They express how they feel differently and it does make it very frustrating. There is nothing wrong with him he is just dealing with it like a guy.
If you don't like him tell him again, if you can't be friends then the only solution is not to be friends anymore. Hopefully he will move on.


Well-known member
Wow, so he just assumes there's been noone else since him, huh?

What a tool.

Also, I doubt his friends think you're "crazy." He's just trying to embarrass you, and it seems to be working. Just take him off your friends list without another word. He is clearly not capable of being just friends with you.


Well-known member
Don't share your relationship details and why something ended or whatever on a public place such as Myspace, even if it just a stupid survey. There are usually feelings involved and someone ends up getting hurt or pissed off. It really is that simple.


Well-known member

seems like you already have your answer. you want to know what's wrong with a boy haha. that says it all. he's immature, and easily hurt. don't take what he says too seriously honey.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elisha24
Ok you probably aren't going to like this but I am going to say it anyway, I think it was very harsh to write "cus I dumped him". If someone I had feelings for wrote that about me I would be very hurt. He freaked out because it hurt him obviously he still likes you. Guys also don't like it when they are rejected like that specially if their friends find out!
Boys don't think like us, which makes it very hard. They express how they feel differently and it does make it very frustrating. There is nothing wrong with him he is just dealing with it like a guy.
If you don't like him tell him again, if you can't be friends then the only solution is not to be friends anymore. Hopefully he will move on.

I still don't think dump is such an offensive word. I've never had anyone get upset at it. hm. I guess it makes some people upset.


Active member
Originally Posted by STolEn_KisS
I honestly don't care what they think. BUT I want an apology for him acting like a retard and calling me a bitch for nothing that i did wrong.

Clearly his paranoid actions - into thinking that your answer involves him and him only, shows that he still hasnt gotten over you. And according to what you said, - that his friends all think your a bitch as well ?.. means his been talking about you to them.So him being a retard is basically a result of him still not being over you. Bitch is a word that his using to label you, due to the lack of sympathy you have or had for him. I can see what why he thought you mislead him, but I dont think you'll get an apology till he gets over you!


Well-known member
I think it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't kinda situation. He sounds emotional and probably would have gotten upset no matter what you put. I guess you could have put some kind of ambiguous "We went separate ways" kinda thing, even if it is BS. I think that's nicer than the honest "He's psycho!!!!" or "He's got bad nose hair" or "his friend was cuter." Just kidding.


Well-known member
I agree with the other girls...
but I'd go nuts after the part where he'd involve his friends and call you crazy + bitch.
I really don't think there's anything to salvage from this.


Well-known member
Bah, I guess I'm mean-spirited, but I would probably reply "It wasn't even about you." That's it... I would let him think about it.


Originally Posted by kaliraksha
Bah, I guess I'm mean-spirited, but I would probably reply "It wasn't even about you." That's it... I would let him think about it.


Ignore him.