Someone's gonna be hating life...


Well-known member
Just had to share this. I feel very sorry for whoever wins this giant fake lot:

MAC MAKEUP HUGE MAKE UP WHOLESALE LOT 40 PIECES!!! - eBay (item 250471490319 end time Jul-29-09 16:46:23 PDT)

Got a little bit of fake everything in there..


Well-known member
Do you guys report these auctions? I doubt ebay will do anything but maybe if enough people report them... who knows.

I am so sick of crap on eBay! Seriously, that poor sap who buys that- you don't know what is in that garbage!


Well-known member
Gosh, sometimes I feel like reporting doesn't do a damn thing. They just start a new account and continue to sell their crap to innocent people, and ebay really doesn't seem to care. If people did like, 5 minutes of research on fake MAC before they hit the bid button, they would be far better off. Idk, just my rant :p


Well-known member
If they can't see that crap is fake..I must say they deserve every piece of that full macmesstrocity that they bid on....I mean hell a blind person can see that that lot is horribly fake.


Well-known member
on the 3rd pic-Liquid Liner is misspelled..its says "LIQULID EYELINER"
i know MAC changes the name to things such as lipglass, but is there such a thing?


Well-known member
^No, each and every product must be spelled correctly no matter what or else if you see something mispelled, it's fake.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gildedangel
Gosh, sometimes I feel like reporting doesn't do a damn thing. They just start a new account and continue to sell their crap to innocent people, and ebay really doesn't seem to care. If people did like, 5 minutes of research on fake MAC before they hit the bid button, they would be far better off. Idk, just my rant :p

I know what you mean! If they really wanted to, eBay could easily eliminate fakes... but they don't because they are making money from these sellers. You'd think they would have someone for each catergory to search for fakes and pull them... it wouldn't be hard! It's weird though because I sold a few things a few months ago and eBay limited me to only a few MAC items! But then these scammers are selling loads of fake MAC


Well-known member
I did report 'em... but hell, it would be impossible to report every fake auction you come across... Every once in a while ebay seems to listen and yanks the listing... but then we have powersellers who sell "good fakes" to no end; and nothing is done...


Well-known member
^Agreed. There are some amazing Powersellers on Ebay that sells 100% authentic MAC. I'd just wish that Ebay would get rid of the fake sellers and have their accounts frozen.


Well-known member
How stupid. A little research will show that that is fake. If they had any general knowledge, they would see it's fake. Duh.


Well-known member
There were a lot of stupid people for it to reach 57 bids. Hope they enjoy their lot but I can't wait to see the feedback left. I quit reporting the damn things because Ebay is a money grubbing whore who loves it's fees. I have massively backed off of buying MAC off of Ebay since encountering Specktra and at least here I get what I'm expecting to. Cheers to Ebay losing me as a MAC buyer!

amistosa might be seeing my money come next week but Specktra it is other than her.


Well-known member
^Me too. I stopped buying from Ebay after I got Lucky Tom Eyeshadow Palette, Fun & Games Beauty Powder Blush and Tahitian Sand Beauty Powder and they were 100% authentic. Ebay is a dangerous site to go buy MAC.


Originally Posted by gildedangel
Gosh, sometimes I feel like reporting doesn't do a damn thing. They just start a new account and continue to sell their crap to innocent people, and ebay really doesn't seem to care. If people did like, 5 minutes of research on fake MAC before they hit the bid button, they would be far better off. Idk, just my rant :p

this is soo true. Not only that this stuff looks cheap!! packaging n all!!



Well-known member
man that's getting alot of bids for alot of money. it sucks that people put fakes out there. but these are terrible looking fakes! so yeah the buyers maybe don't care that they're getting fakes perhaps?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheCollector
I did report 'em... but hell, it would be impossible to report every fake auction you come across... Every once in a while ebay seems to listen and yanks the listing... but then we have powersellers who sell "good fakes" to no end; and nothing is done...

Just curious - don't you buy mac on eBay? I happen to think you are an ebay seller, but don't understand why you don't discuss that. There are some legit sellers and mac....just have to find them. *Many* sellers buy their mac under user id's which differ from seller accounts, only to turn around and re-sell it on either ebay or Specktra, for instance. That's my 2 cents....

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