Sonic Chic - Can They Be Depotted?


Well-known member
Do you think i'll be able to depot the MSF blushes? And how much do you think they'll be? Start saving up now. LOL


Well-known member
Re: Sonic Chic?

No because they're domed, so they won't fit into the blush palette and the mineralized line of stuff is very fragile, so they'd probably break easily. I'd guess the blushes will be around $17.00 after the July 1 price increase since the estimated price was $16.50 when the info first came out and these are being released after that date (the yearly increase is usually $.50 on things like blushes, eyeshadows, lipsticks and glosses).


Well-known member
Re: Sonic Chic?

Originally Posted by purrtykitty
No because they're domed, so they won't fit into the blush palette and the mineralized line of stuff is very fragile, so they'd probably break easily.

even if they weren't domed, they aren't in a pan. they're baked into a base that has grooves that keep it from shifting and falling out.


Well-known member
Re: Sonic Chic?

Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Way too fragile for depotting.

As the veritable blooming of posts consisting of 'OMG, my MSF exploded during depotting!' that occur after ever MSF release would testify.