SORRY!!! Fake MAC # 187's question- advise please


Active member
I bid on 2 #187 brushes on ebay & won both. I recieved one in the mail on Friday & as soon as I opened the package I knew it was fake. I compared it to my real 187 (purchased from MAC) & confirmed this. Today the other 187 arrived & would you believe that it's also fake. But here's the thing. I compared both envelopes & they are both from the same person. Obviously this person has 2 ebay accounts. Is this allowed and what can I do now. The sellers were - b_chc & cherishbrushsale
Apparently, multiple accounts are allowed. I did a quick search and saw a page that talked about the reasons why a seller would want to merge their accounts:

As far as selling fakes are concerned, my guess is that eBay representatives won't bend over backwards (or at all) to do anything about it. Even so, you should file a complaint:

eBay has an insurance of sorts that supposedly protects buyers. But as I recall, there is a deductible that will likely eat up most (maybe all) of what you would get back.

If you paid through PayPal, you should apply for a refund. (I'm not sure how this works.) If you paid via credit card, you should call your credit card company and request a reversal.


Well-known member
Who was the seller? If you search for "Fake 187" on this forum you'll find lots of threads on fakes and tips on how to deal with the [usually very obnoxious] fake sellers, filing a PayPal complaint, reporting the seller to eBay, etc. Hopefully you'll get your money back.


Active member
OK here is the update:

I filed a dispute with PayPal & one of the items was refunded in full.
I am still waiting to hear about the other item. I am including what I wrote in my dispute. I am hoping that this will help somebody not knowing where to start. I think it would help if you can outline what were the exact differences between a real vs fake!

Here is my dispute:
"I bought what I believed to be an authentic MAC 187 brush. This was NOT an authentic brush. I have compared it to a real MAC brush purchased from a MAC shop & this is clearly a fake!! Here are the main differences:

1. The crimping on the ferule is wrong
2. The lettering of the place of origin is wrong - (Authentic in bold Ariel lettering, the FAKE in thin Ariel lettering)
3. The length of hair is wrong (Authentic has even hair, FAKE has all different hair lengths)
4. The hair quantity is different (Authentic has more hair)
5. The brush handle is different (Authentic has a pearl sheen, FAKE does not).

I am sure that on closer comparison there will be many more differences.

I am requesting a full refund including shipping costs. Also note that on the same day I bought 2 x MAC 187 brushes from what I believed to be 2 different sellers but upon receiving I realised that the shipping address on both items was the same. I therefore belive that you are the same seller. The other brush I purchased is also FAKE & I will be opening a dispute on that item also"

The one who refunded sent me an email asking for her brush back & telling me all her brushes are true. Below is my response to her. I know it's slightly immature but I couldn't help it. I am soooooo mad!!!

My response to her:
"You can deny it all you like. The fact of the matter is that your brush was a FAKE!!!!!!
I would suggest you familiarise yourself with a real 187 brush.
I am happy to send your FAKE brush back but I am not paying for shipping to the US. If you would like to pay for that then fine. I can get a cost for you for the postage, the packaging & handling fee
Let me know if you would like me to get that cost for you"

OK so i'd really like to thank everybody on this site who has posted about counterfeit products (particularly caffn8me & Risser for her comparison of the real & counterfeit product - I would post a link but I'm sorry I don't know how!!)Without specktra I probably wouldn't have picked up on these differences. To everybody who has bought brushes on ebay. One of the brushes was a really good fake, so be careful & look closely at your brushes.
Good for you!
I love it when the good guy fights back and wins.
Good luck on the second brush. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.


Active member
Hi everyone. Just an update on the situation.

YAY!!!!! I got my money back on the second brush!!!!
Paypal sent me an email saying that they investigated the case & ruled in my favour.


Well-known member
Yaaaay! Well done!


New member
Oh poor me I just bid 2 mac brushes from this seller cherishbrushsale, #239 & #150 both fake same reasons from redjellybeans above No.1-5, I got real ones to compare, so dont buy from this seller. she also sells other brand but I dont know if authentic though. do i need to send the brushes back in order to get $$ back?luckily I used paypal but live outside US.


Well-known member
You could send them back, but then you have no proof. Lodge a dispute claim with paypal FIRST stating the whats and whys for why you believe you received counterfeit items and you should receive a refund.


Active member
Originally Posted by mamafan
Oh poor me I just bid 2 mac brushes from this seller cherishbrushsale, #239 & #150 both fake same reasons from redjellybeans above No.1-5, I got real ones to compare, so dont buy from this seller. she also sells other brand but I dont know if authentic though. do i need to send the brushes back in order to get $$ back?luckily I used paypal but live outside US.

I'm sooo mad for you
. I don't understand why that seller is still allowed to sell.

I also live outside of the US & paid through paypal. She refunded me the full amount after I opened a dispute through paypal. She then asked me to send the brush back, as I mentioned above I said I would be happy to but not at my expense. I haven't heard from them since & i've still got the brush.

I would suggest going through paypal for a refund

Let us know how you go! I'll have my fingers crossed that you get your money back


Well-known member
I bought #187 brush on ebay too. I am concerned it might be fake. Does the real one say "made in japan"? Let me know thanks

Originally Posted by redjellybeans
I'm sooo mad for you
. I don't understand why that seller is still allowed to sell.

I also live outside of the US & paid through paypal. She refunded me the full amount after I opened a dispute through paypal. She then asked me to send the brush back, as I mentioned above I said I would be happy to but not at my expense. I haven't heard from them since & i've still got the brush.

I would suggest going through paypal for a refund

Let us know how you go! I'll have my fingers crossed that you get your money back



Active member
Originally Posted by helenoftroy1
I bought #187 brush on ebay too. I am concerned it might be fake. Does the real one say "made in japan"? Let me know thanks

It just has the country name - JAPAN. It doesn't say "Made in Japan".

But if you do a search you should be able to find a thread which has comparison pics - authentic vs fake.

Are you able to go into MAC & check out the brush in store??

Or perhaps you could post a pic on here???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACreation
Do any MAC brushes, even older ones, say FRANCE on them??

Yep, some of them do
Cant remember exactly which ones but certainly many authentic MAC brushes are made in France. HTH