sparkle sparkle


Well-known member
Ravishing hair! Oh, the glitter is in place there. I don't see it anywhere else, but enhancing those beautiful sea blue eyes. I really like your touch with the colors. You are applying your makeup perfect. Wow, are you not even wearing gloss or lipstick on those gorgeous lips? They are perfectly shaped. *faints*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Ravishing hair! Oh, the glitter is in place there. I don't see it anywhere else, but enhancing those beautiful sea blue eyes. I really like your touch with the colors. You are applying your makeup perfect. Wow, are you not even wearing gloss or lipstick on those gorgeous lips? They are perfectly shaped. *faints*

omg. best compliment ever! thank you so so much!


Well-known member
thank you guys.
about 2 years ago i cut my hair REALLY short.
incredibly short. and ive been trying to grow it out ever since.
so this is 2 years later, finally at an awesome length, but seriously, its been HARD to manage, so thanks! =D


Well-known member
that's a really perfectly proportioned wing on that UD glitter liner, and a great job blending, too! you are really pretty. great colour choices. though i gotta say, with lips that awesome, i'd love to see you rock some really bright, bold lip colours!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bjorne_again
that's a really perfectly proportioned wing on that UD glitter liner, and a great job blending, too! you are really pretty. great colour choices. though i gotta say, with lips that awesome, i'd love to see you rock some really bright, bold lip colours!

thank you so much, and really, i love bright lipstick colors, but the last time i wore this gorgeous nars bright pink lipstick, my coworker sean told me it looked bad with my blonde hair, he said i looked like euro trash or a hooker

ever since then ive been too self concious to wear it