Specktra, I think I've become one of the 'jealous types'...


I've been with my boyfriend for a little over a month now. Before him, I've had a couple other boyfriends and I've never really cared if they had friends that were girls. With him it's weird because I get really anxious and bugged when he's around other girls. Sometimes I get the feeling that he's going to leave me for someone else.
Do any of you ladies have this problem? How do you deal with it? :confused:


Well-known member
I was always somewhat jealous when it came to the guys I was talking to and other girls. I KNEW they were with other girls but for some reason it didn't truly bother me, it just upset me a little bit.
With my boyfriend now, in the beginning of our relationship I wasn't really jealous. But after maybe 5 or 6 months, I was. Some of it has to do with the fact that every girl I meet (that used to go to school or church with him) gives me attitude. Sometimes I think about his past and get upset, and when he goes out without me sometimes I wonder if he runs into anyone from his past, or anyone he used to try and talk to.

Maybe you just feel insecure in this relationship. Theres probably a good reason as to why you feel jealous all of a sudden. I was always talked about and picked on during middle school, and with some guys I was used or I was not the only girl in their life, and that led me to be very insecure. Also, this is the first guy I've ever loved and really cared about, and I don't want to lose that.
It is a matter of trust though, because you can't keep being insecure and jealous. I've learned that it only causes arguments in the relationship, and my boyfriend even used to question our relationship because of my insecurities. I suggest talking to your boyfriend about how you feel, and maybe he can give you some reassurance. However, if he is doing something that truly makes you uncomfortable, you have a right to tell him that you don't appreciate it.
You just kind of have to trust him and trust that he won't leave you and that he won't mess around on you. I still think its normal to be somewhat jealous though...I can't even believe that some girls aren't jealous at all. Some girls even encourage their boyfriends to look at other women.

Your insecurities and jealousy may also fade as the relationship matures. Its a new relationship, and I think maybe thats common for new relationships. As time goes on, and he proves to you that you can trust him, your relationship will just keep getting better and better in all kinds of ways. HTH


Well-known member
Is he not being honest with you? Maybe your intuition is telling you something. With my current boyfriend, I've never felt that he would leave me for another woman. This is the first time I have felt like this and I think it's because he's been honest from the start and has never played games with me. Maybe also because he is always very thoughtful and respectful.

IMO, it's not normal to live in fear of your significant other leaving you for someone else. There must be some reason for your feelings that maybe you are subconsciously ignoring if you really want to be with the guy.


Well-known member
A month isn't very long, so you're probably still feeling the new-relationship anxieties that can be fun yet also hard to deal with sometimes. Once you guys settle into your relationship I'm sure you'll forget all about that. It takes a while to learn more about your SO and get to know how they are with other people. I'm sure you'll feel better as time goes on!