Specktra running slowly today???? Is it just me?


Well-known member

Is it just me or is the forum running pretty slow today?
Everything is taking several seconds to load.
On occasion i just see the purple background and the specktra logo on the top but the page indicates "Done" (as if it were done loading) I have to refresh 3-4 times before the forum appears.

Im not having any issues on any other site but spectra.

Just wondering if its just me.



Well-known member
I've been experiencing the same thing too. I thought it was just my connection.


Well-known member
Ok..so its not just me.

i thought it was my connection too but everyother site i go to loads up fine.


Well-known member
Me too.. I rebooted my computer, restarted my modem.. no issues with any other sites.. its probably the hosting server.. but yeah, its not just you both. I've been having trouble getting the site to load as well..


Well-known member
HELL YEAH ME TOO! I thought it was because I have so much stuff that my computer was runnin slow. Specktra people... gotta get on that.


Well-known member
glad i brought it up....
glad its not just me.

i agree with nics ... maybe it a server issue.


Well-known member
That issue is being addressed, actually.

There are some lags, but work's being done behind the scenes to get it fixed.