Spring colours - my first EOTD


Well-known member
So I played around with eye makeup today hehe. I'm like a kid with new toys, because I never used to wear them and now I'm addicted. Please excuse the non-curled eyelashes, because I couldn't find my eyelash curlers and hubby was rushing me!
Constructive criticism heavily encouraged! Please tell me how I can improve



Well-known member
That looks so pretty. What colours did you use?

ops: I haven't worked up the courage to post any fotds yet. I'm not really good with eye makeup.


Well-known member
Hahaha yeah there's a reason why it's just my eyes up there - I'm too shy to post my whole face, but I NEED feedback to improve, so no real choice there.

I used:
Clinique Touch Base in Canvas
MAC Crystal e/s
Some random pink e/s
MAC Vex e/s
MAC Trax e/s
MAC Parfait Amour e/s
MAC Metamorph e/s
MAC Navy Stain Powerpoint
MAC Blue Yonder Eye Kohl


Well-known member
Thanks zena
The colours were brighter originally, but for some reason I felt like a clown
ops: Must be because I'm not used to wearing makeup, so more than a little gets me nervous hahaha. So I ended up blending them and blending them and blending them some more until most of the colour were transferred to my finger! Next time I'll take pictures before I overblend hahaha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss_MAC
very nice...very madame. B-ish!!! LOVELY!!

That's what I was going for
It's winter here in Australia (miserable and wet rather than snowing), so it's kind of like a call for spring.


Well-known member
Ouu, that looks lovely! I usually go for my neutrals, so I rarely wear colourful EOTD's like that... but posts like these make me wanna bust out the other palettes I have :p