Starting college, any tips?


Well-known member
As of tomorrow, I officially only have 2 weeks left of freedom before starting my first year of college at a community college here =[ I took 2 years off after graduating high school to pretty much just figure out what the hell I was going to do with myself as I had no solid clue or plans at that moment. So I've been pretty much use to having a lot of free time and freedom. But that's all going to end soon, sadly lol. I've just been really stressed out and worried about getting back into school, serious school. Cause I really fucked up my freshman year and got kicked out of my high school and sent to an alternative school and stayed there until graduation. We really didn't do much there academically so in a way I only have 8 years of formal academic education. I never studied or really did anything hard in school. So this sudden change to college is really scary for me. I feel totally unprepared. So I was wondering if any of you ladies have any tips at all about college, making it through, studying, etc? Just anything would be helpful!


Well-known member
I need some advises as well.

Up to the 8th grade I was a pretty good student, with excellent grades, but in the 3 following years of high school (at the time I graduated, there were only 11 grades in Brazil, now there are 12) I completely messed it up. But I passed the vestibular and made it to the university. In December 2006 I quit my Business Administration program (completed 1/4 of it), and I haven't done anything significant since. Almost 4 years later and living in the 2nd foreign country, I'll start school in September here in Canada. The fact that I'm going to have to study in a different language stresses me out - my IELTS score was not too bad, but still was not awesome. I'm so worried I won't be able to keep up with the other students, will not understand the instructions, etc... I feel unprepared.


OK...I'll be frank. College is NOT easy. But it is so fun and so worth it! I am 37 years old! I love college. See, the difference you bring to it now is that you WANT to be you know what you want to do! I applaude you as it is evident that it has taken me many more years to follow my dreams.


Oh, as far as tips....ask all of the people you know about the professors you have. That will prepare you for the kind of tests they give. Second of all...I was one of those high school kids that never cracked a book...not so in college. Index cards became my best friend...especially for those classes where there are alot of facts or stats. Second...get to know your professors. Yes, I realize that this looks like teacher's pet/kissing butt...but this now weighs on your future career. Finding a like minded professor that can become your mentor is worth their weight in gold. are not a child anymore..leave boyfriend drama/girlfriend drama etc out of the classroom. None of that is important anymore. You are working toward your future..don't let anyone hold you back!


Well-known member
Luiza_T: Hun, I feel your pain. The whole thing sounds sooo scary. But I have faith in u girl!

sassyboo: Lol, Idk why everyone says they love college?! I mean isn't it pretty much a ton of hard work, studying, and pulling late nighters trying to study for tests and finishing up projects? That's what I always imagined college out to be lol. And to me that doesn't sound really fun or something I'd like, I never really liked school period really. I def do think that getting to know your teachers is a great idea. I got to know my teachers from high school pretty well and they were really helpful about me taking extra courses so that I could graduate with my high school diploma on time cause I was missing some credits from freshman year. Sounds really lame but do you have any tips on kind of approaching other students and trying to talk to them about professors and stuff? Lol I know it sounds stupid but for some reason I feel that in college people won't be as approachable as they are in high school cause it's suddenly all serious serious now. And don't worry about drama in the classroom as I don't date college guys! I'm kind of involved with someone at this moment but even if I wasn't I'm not into college guys. The whole frat boy crazy party hardy stereotype has totally turned me off on them lol. I'm pretty much going to school so that I can get a decently paying job and make decent money and move out to Florida and finally start living my life. Thats kind of what is keeping me going I guess.

Does anyone have any advice on balancing a social life and school too? I know I should take a lot of time to do school stuff and class but I still would like some time to hang out with friends, go out or even just have some me time or I will go crazy!


Well-known member
I actually am doing a whole back to school series for college
I have separate videos for skincare, beauty, and general tips that you should know as well...(all filmed, but editing it right now lol) I'll edit this post when I have all 3 vids up

In terms of balancing time, you just need to figure out your priorities and figure out how much time you spend on what. Sit down and make a list of what you do in a week, and write a time spent next to it (eating, sleeping, shower, hang out with friends, classes, homework, study, phone, txting, specktra lol) things like that and then find out how much time is left over in all those hours of a week. If you don't have time left over, find out what to cut down in.

In terms of studying, you shouldn't be worried as when you first start, professors will go over materials that "should have been learned and retained" back in high school in the first 1-2 weeks. The TAs are helpful as well. Just don't be afraid to ask questions. And if you feel like studying with a friend would be a distraction, settle yourself down in the library (and not your bedroom or house, because you WILL get distracted) and study.


Ok, I just uploaded my general tips college here it is =)
I realize is long lol so if anyone watched the entire thing, kudos and thanks much!

YouTube - Back to School Series - College General Tips

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
-Keep the syllabuses you get over time. If you transfer anywhere a four year or other institution might argue you need to take a class you already took. Point to the objectives listed in the syllabus and argue back.
-As soon as you finish up each semester get a crap load of transcripts (and throw out old ones from the previous semester), I recommend 5 or more depending. Just enough that you have excess after applying to other institutions.
Why? I started at a 4 year university 4 years ago that, to this day, is still putting a bullshit hold on my account-I can't register, buy a parking permit, or get a transcript through my account to that campus. My offense was parking in a faculty spot the first week of school. I can, however argue the school has let me study there for two years w/out any problem because I have left over transcripts and collected my past parking permits, so fuck them.
-BTW***Get a student parking permit before school starts, the lots are jammed.
-Make friends with your teachers (you genuinely like), they can recommend you to so many good people be it for school or a job.
-Use before you register. I could have graduated w/ my associate this past spring, if not for a moody Arab dick who cares about his paycheck instead of common respect toward others.
-Register early.
-Sororities and Frats are overrated and commercialized in movies! PERIOD!
I've NEVER joined but just in personal observation the people who have joined partied that semester, wasted $5,000 of their parents money, and FAILED BIG TIME and ended up in community college with serious minded (and frugal) me.
Seriously Sororities and Fraternities are avenues for people still stuck in high school who need to feel popular.
-Contact your teachers ahead of time and learn what the actual text book looks like and is called that semester.
-RENT your books online (!
-BUY yours books off Amazon!
-BUY your books off craigslist (from an actual person, w/ a witness if possible, at a neutral place, like starbucks-not a parking lot, flip through the book to make sure the pages are all there and are alright).
-SELL THEM through either craigslist or cheeg or amazon!
-Go to the first day of class! Teachers will teach stuff you need to know on the first day, you'll establish your seat the rest of the semester that day, and introducing yourself to classmates is best the first day.
-Do your homework, anything is better than a 0. Even if it sucks turn it in.

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
-You can test out of basic classes like math by going to your school's testing center and paying prob $5 dollars--I forget the name of the test, sorry.
-Even if you feel like napping after class, go to a study center if you have time.
Study centers are a gift from god. Days before a big test, hours before homework is due, or right after coming from class and not understanding a thing--they're so worth it!~
-Look at your notes again that night or later in the day! Do your homework and give yourself free time the rest of week, day, night, hours, etc.
-Don't sign up for credit cards ever! They have higher than average rates and students who wouldn't know anything about paying a real bill are gonna learn the hard way.
-SCHOLARSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS-you've never had to be a straight A student to get one! Gay? Eskimo? 2.0 GPA? You CAN easily get a scholarship!
-Apply for scholarships throughout the year, you can start before school starts.
-Do have some extracurriculars going on, join a club and become a secretary or something, it transfers really well!
-Find a place and time where you have downtime and feel like you can work--even if it's off campus.
-You can be social and be studious at the same time. Prioritize your work! I.e. if you have a quiz/ test the next day clearly don't go out that night.
-I can't believe it's's actually true but full blown boyfriends/girlfriends don't really matter. You can live w/ or w/out them in college.
-If you're rooming with others interview them! My parents actually set me up in hell as a freshman cause I didn't know how to drive!
They went to a church and heard that one of the preacher's assistant guys' daughter was looking for roommates-well turns out this gated neighbor church girl is a rude asshole who's lazy no-good ghetto boyfriend lived in the apartment constantly, her life long friend was responsible and nice and realized their friendship is dead, and our fourth roommate was a douche who made her parents pay $425 a month for a her room while she fucked around and lived with her friends in the dorms *****DRUMROLL****THE CHERRY ON TOP****the 4th douche roommate gave these friends we never met a key to her room which opens the door to OUR apartment and living space (tv, vcr/dvd player, cable box, furniture, etc.) and if we happen to use the shared bathrooms we'd have to leave our rooms unlocked. Hmmmmmm.....sounds STUPID AND RUDE TO DO! SHE DIDN'T EVEN RUN IT BY US!
-Find out the statistics for crime on campus-robbery, burglary, assault, and RAPE especially.
You never know what kind of people are enrolled on campus or lurking off campus. And here's a shocker: colleges and universities are actually quite negligent to really punish offenders and get victims help.
NPR did a whole 4 part series on rape on campus, it's incredibly enlightening and brave.


Well-known member
Sillylilacs: I'm gonna watch your vids right after I'm done typing up this post =]
What you said about figuring out what I do weekly and how much time I need to do each of those times is great idea. So far I have transportation from school to home, time to maybe go out for a walk for some light exercise figured out lol. As for school work load wise I think I'm going to have to wait til school starts out for a bit to figure that out. In middle school I was great at somehow prioritizing school work and social time. I managed to get good grades and still have time to hang out with friends in and out of school. But some how I lost that ability as tiime passed! I worked a job last year from the spring to summer that was part time, I'd be in there anywhere from 6-8 hours 3-4 days a week maybe more sometimes and I couldn't even find time for much else. I barely went out and when I did it would be to go to the mall which I lived by and was by my work too to shop. That was a big mistake! I racked up quite a bit of debt because of it. But I think maybe actually figuring out how long things take to do and getting a good sleep schedule too will help a lot.

So college is still somewhat like regular school too? Where the teachers will kind of go over stuff from like last year or the years before for the first week or so instead of just JUMPING into the hardcore crazy stuff? I had always thought that they were just going to talk and do stuff in class that I had no clue about and never ever learned then pile us with loads of work that seems endless lol.

I've thought about places that I could conveniently study at because I don't drive yet. I have to take a bus and trolley and walk to the trolley stop to get to school. That takes almost 2 hours. Luckily I only have classes from the morning to afternoon and my dad can drop me off at school. But I'll have to take public transportation home. But Idk if studying at a library or anywhere like my room will make a difference lol. I have ADD and always somehow manage to get distracted regardless which I hate! Luckily at my community college they have a supportive services center that helps students with learning disabilities out a bit. I was told that depending on what my therapist/psych have in my medical records and tests I may receive accommodations like tutoring, extra time on tests, etc. So I'm hoping that that will help out some.


Well-known member
Goat: Wow girl you just gave me a ton of info lol. I'm still trying to absorb it all in.

What are syllabuses? Sorry if it sounds stupid but when I was in high school during my last years I had actually not planned on going to college but rather instead of technical school or beauty school. So I took pretty much no time at all to learn about how college even works. I feel like such a newb lol.

Where are some good places to look for scholarships and what do you usually have to do to apply for them?

And oh I'm totally not worried about sororities/fraternities and college parties and things like that. I don't even drink lol. A lot of people think I don't know how to have fun or really uptight because I don't do all of those things. Idk but I'm just not into the whole crazy partying wild aspect of college. I've even had people ask me why I'm giong to a community college instead of Pitt or somewhere that's a university cause of all the sporting events and partying. I'm just not even remotely interested in any of that. The whole frat boy stereotype has me turned off on all college guys anyways lol. All my friends know that if a college guy tries to hit on me or something I just totally shut him down cause I'm not attracted to them lol. I'm currently involved with a guy right now and things are super complicated but I'm trying to not let that drama effect my performance with school.

I was told that my school had a bookstore where I can get text books at. I'm not sure if it's better to go there or online? I plan on selling them back after the semesters over with too. I don't even know at this point what books I need for my classes so I can't order them online right at this very moment.

I'm living with my parents and will for at least until I graduate from community college and maybe start working? I'm not sure yet but at this point I might just immediately continue on to a university afterward for my bachelors to just get it done and over with asap. Living at home is a double edged sword as I have a lot of problems with my parents when it comes to a lot of things but at the same time I just don't have the means financially or am mentally prepared to be living out on my own. But the whole finding a room mate thing which I may do in the future when I do move out scares the crap out of me lol! I don't think it's a good idea to move in with a good friend because its been known to cause issues with friendship since ur almost always around each other. But at the same time I feel weird about having a stranger move in with me too like I don't know what type of habits or people they'll have over and stuff. I naturally worry a lot and I know that I'll be worrying over if stuff will be destroyed or stolen too with good reason when I'm living with someone else.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
As for school work load wise I think I'm going to have to wait til school starts out for a bit to figure that out.

This part is true. It really depends on the professor and the type of class as well. Ex. English classes will have lots of readings, discussions, and a paper every few weeks. Chemistry classes will have lots of lectures, online hw, and midterms/final. It really depends.

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
In middle school I was great at somehow prioritizing school work and social time. I managed to get good grades and still have time to hang out with friends in and out of school.

If you were able to prioritize it once, you can do it again! =D

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I worked a job last year from the spring to summer that was part time, I'd be in there anywhere from 6-8 hours 3-4 days a week maybe more sometimes and I couldn't even find time for much else.

Work is a lot different from school. It's hard to explain really, but work is bleh lol I'm so helpful here right? =p

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I racked up quite a bit of debt because of it. But I think maybe actually figuring out how long things take to do and getting a good sleep schedule too will help a lot.

Definitely! Debts are hard to pay off esp in this economy...if you have a lot, but if you have good credit, I would recommend seeing if you can get a personal loan from a bank/agency, because they will have lower interest rates than stupid credit cars. Also, don't just pay the minimum, because you won't be able to pay off the principle in a reasonable amount of time. And sleep will definitely help with the stress levels =)

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
So college is still somewhat like regular school too? Where the teachers will kind of go over stuff from like last year or the years before for the first week or so instead of just JUMPING into the hardcore crazy stuff? I had always thought that they were just going to talk and do stuff in class that I had no clue about and never ever learned then pile us with loads of work that seems endless lol.

Yea pretty much. I have had professors that went straight into the deep end, but that was a super hardcore 400 level class lol (I was thoroughly mind raped

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
Idk if studying at a library or anywhere like my room will make a difference lol. I have ADD and always somehow manage to get distracted regardless which I hate!

Trust me, when I first started out, I was like, oh I'll study in my room...nope, you'll get distracted by EVERYTHING, bed, food, tv, games, etc etc. Libraries are honestly the best. Get a study corner or room and just lock yourself in, turn off your cell phone too, that'll help. Also, you can study at school after your classes and go home around evening time and beat afternoon traffic as well =D

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I may receive accommodations like tutoring, extra time on tests, etc. So I'm hoping that that will help out some.

That's good news then! =D Teachers are usually very accommodating so hope all goes well with that too!


Well-known member
Thanks again girl!!

I'm going to be majoring in biotechnology. I've avoided telling a lot of people what I'm majoring in real life because I've had a lot of haters. I took 2 years off after graduating high school and many people just think that I'm actually not even going to seriously be attending school this fall. They actually think that I'm just blowing smoke out of my ass lol. A lot of people expected me to actually just go to beauty school and do something there. But I wanted something that had more work opportunities in this economy and offered more stable income. I've gotten a lot of wtfs?! when I've told people I was doing biotechnology instead. I guess people just don't have that much faith in me but oh well lol. But anyways I was told by an adviser that this will be hard with a lot of work. I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for how much work is to come. I really can't stand people who tell me that college is easy grr!! It's such lies and I already know that lol. I'm just hoping like you said to get some chill professors who are cool about the transition instead of jumping into some deep stuff.

Really it's different from work? I always said that work was the same as school but more physical than mental and you got paid for it lol. I always found both things super boring. In school I always wanted to talk to friends, do stupid stuff and pass notes pretty much lol. At my last job me and a coworker always goofed off but got our work done tho!

I have a few thousand dollars of credit card debt. I've actually lied to my mom about the actual amount =[ I think I may actually have a bit of a shopping problem. I've been shopping more lately because schools been stressing me out majorly and I just don't know any other way to vent ya no? But I won't be able to get a loan from the bank as I don't have enough credit or work history. I'd need a cosigner and my dad def will freak if he finds out how much I truly owe.

Right now, I'm working on the bed bug issues as you know. But my mom has agreed to actually and I mean ACTUALLY talk to my dad about an exterminator woooohooo! But hopefully we can get that in motion and afterward I plan on organizing my room more so it's less cluttered and stays organized. I'm afraid of traveling home from downtown in the city that I live in once it gets dark especially with the trolley station being underground. There was an incident where my best friend's little sister in their neighborhood which is in the city too got robbed and beaten badly by a bunch of guys. Thank goodness she's fine. So until I drive I will have to make do of my room as a study/work area =/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I've avoided telling a lot of people what I'm majoring in real life because I've had a lot of haters. I took 2 years off after graduating high school and many people just think that I'm actually not even going to seriously be attending school this fall. They actually think that I'm just blowing smoke out of my ass lol. A lot of people expected me to actually just go to beauty school and do something there. But I wanted something that had more work opportunities in this economy and offered more stable income. I've gotten a lot of wtfs?! when I've told people I was doing biotechnology instead. I guess people just don't have that much faith in me but oh well lol.

You go and prove 'em haters wrong! =D

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I'm trying to prepare myself mentally for how much work is to come.

That's good. Better to be overprepared than underprepared!

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I'm just hoping like you said to get some chill professors who are cool about the transition instead of jumping into some deep stuff.

Since this is your first year, professors 99% of the time won't do that lol so don't worry. Like I said my class was a 400 level class, you'll start out with 100 levels
so things will be drastically easier lol

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
Really it's different from work? I always said that work was the same as school but more physical than mental and you got paid for it lol.

Lol like I said, I couldn't describe it >.< You'll see what I mean when you start though...I think

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I've been shopping more lately because schools been stressing me out majorly and I just don't know any other way to vent ya no?

Find another vent. I wish I had like an aunt 48x removed and she left me a 3 billion dollar fortune so I can spend it on whatever I want...but since I don't have that kind of life, when I want to shop and I know I shouldn't, I'll shop online. and by shopping, I mean adding stuff I like to the cart, then close the window without checking out lol. Another way to help curb the problem is to start an excel sheet and record how much to spend (w/ taxes). Then then numbers are like bam in yo face...that helps too. But yea, I vent by cleaning >.< idk if that works for you as well...

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
Right now, I'm working on the bed bug issues as you know. But my mom has agreed to actually and I mean ACTUALLY talk to my dad about an exterminator woooohooo!

SUCESS!!! woot!!

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I'm afraid of traveling home from downtown in the city that I live in once it gets dark especially with the trolley station being underground. There was an incident where my best friend's little sister in their neighborhood which is in the city too got robbed and beaten badly by a bunch of guys. Thank goodness she's fine. So until I drive I will have to make do of my room as a study/work area =/

>< Yea cities are dangerous...I totally understand as my school is in the city as well...I'm glad she's ok though. But yea, I take alllll my precautions when I take the bus/train at night by myself. Studying at home is ok too, I just don't have enough self control for it lol I get distracted by food and pillows =D

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I did mechanical engineering in college and the 4-year program really kicked me in the butt. It was def lotsa had work but def very rewarding. I met so many great friends (most of my close friends now are from college) and my husband at school
I found an amazing and challenging job I love after graduation and never regretted the long sleepless nights I pulled while I was at school.

My advice for you will be to take school seriously and have a balance. It should not be all about partying but make sure u start ur social and professional networking in those classrooms. The ppl you meet at school can be ur friends for life and good relationship with as many profs as u can can ensure u have good reference for future job offers. On the partying part, I saw so many ppl getting wrapped up in the partying and are now at least 4 years behind me (though we started together).

To me, college is ur first step-stone in becoming an independent adult, so look at it as such. Work hard and have fun


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
I did mechanical engineering in college and the 4-year program really kicked me in the butt. It was def lotsa had work but def very rewarding. I met so many great friends (most of my close friends now are from college) and my husband at school
I found an amazing and challenging job I love after graduation and never regretted the long sleepless nights I pulled while I was at school.

My advice for you will be to take school seriously and have a balance. It should not be all about partying but make sure u start ur social and professional networking in those classrooms. The ppl you meet at school can be ur friends for life and good relationship with as many profs as u can can ensure u have good reference for future job offers. On the partying part, I saw so many ppl getting wrapped up in the partying and are now at least 4 years behind me (though we started together).

To me, college is ur first step-stone in becoming an independent adult, so look at it as such. Work hard and have fun

Amazing advice, definitely agree very very much

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
A syllabus is an outline of things to be covered in class-usually objectives, contact stats for the teacher, the assignments, etc.

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
As for books in the bookstore, I'll just ask you to compare prices. Somethings I couldn't get/rent online I bought at the bookstore. But I HATE the bookstore because they'll charge you $80-$100 for a brand new book you may never even use that much and then come buy back time at the end of the semester you get $15-$25 bucks back!

Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
A college will usually have a scholarship office, so no worries with that.
Even ask teachers in your major's department, they know about super secret ones just for your major too!

And applying for a scholarship is usually filling out your application to the college again, 'cept for a scholarship. They'll want to know what you do academically, non academically, if you've had any financial or non financial hardships, maybe even want an essay out of you.

They're easy to get though. And there's usually little competition because alot of people assume the scholarship is out of their league.


Well-known member
Congrats on starting college! Biggest pieces of advice: believe in yourself and know yourself. That's awesome that you're taking biotechnology. Just make sure you like it and it's something that you *want* to do; don't be in it just for the money. It's good to be in lines of work that have good growth and salary prospects of course, but don't let that be your ONLY factor, because there are LOTS of carrers that are like that. You can choose what (you think) works for you, AND you can change your mind too!

It sounds like it will be a big transition for you to go to college. A lot of people will also be nervous, wonder if they should be there, etc. But once you get started, you'll get used to it. Humans are very adaptable. You will find a rhythm and a routine. Learn what your learning style is. Me, I'm visual. And I take copious, copious notes, which helps me to learn and understand. You may not be like that. College IS hard work and studying, but that's part of what makes it rewarding. Learning can be fun, seriously! I never pulled an all-nighter in school - I think people with bad time management and huge procrastination issues do that (either that, or they're in a REALLY dificult, time-consuming program, where it's impossible to not pull an allnighter because of the amount of work involved).

Having a support system at school will really help: peers to study with, to talk to, and also your profs and TAs and academic counsellors, etc. You don't have to go through this alone! Try to learn each prof's style. Try to understand them as people, not just imparters of information that you have to memorize by rote. You'll have amazing profs and profs that suck. Each prof will take the same subject matter and add their own bent to it. People are totally approachable in school, just like in real life. Some will be, some won't be. College isn't totally serious serious, there will be party animals and class clowns and slackers and keeners and the whole bit.

Balancing social life and school: Make school your priority, not your social life. Your social life is important, because it keeps you sane, but you do not need to be partying every night, or even on both Friday and Saturday. Making school your priority does not mean you are holed up in your room/library studying until 12 am each day. It means that you take the time you need per day to study/do assignments, and once you've done that, then you can have some fun, whether it's call a friend, meet for dinner, whatever. I also agree that joining some extracurriculars is a good way to meet people to get the college experience too.
It's also good stuff to put on your resume!

You might also want to check out some options for paying off you debt. College has TONS of resources that you can access, including financial counselling and financial aid. While you're in college make sure you get the most out of all these resources!

In terms of your shopping habit, yeah, get that under control now. Don't spend money on things you don't need! Keep track of all your purchases so you know what you're spending money on. I did that for a while and it really helped me. It's really tedious, yes, but eyeopening. You can't not look at the numbers and NOT change something! Sillylilac's advice is really good - adding things to the cart, but then closing the window - I love it! I also love that she vents by cleaning - I've heard similar stories of cleaning being really good procrastination - wish I had then tendency when I'm in a procrastinating mode!

Hope this helps! Also: check out College Candy. You might like it.