Stash rotation challenge


Well-known member
I got sick of 2 different issues - 1) fishing out the makeup I wanted from a disorganized large pile and 2) not using enough of my too-large stash so I came up with this challenge for myself. It's fun - give it a try:

At complete *random* (either blindfolded or by picking names from a hat, or whatever), pick the following:

2 lipsticks
2 glosses
4 eyeshadows
2 blushes
2 eyeliners

Put them in a box.

Don't use any makeup but that for a week (and your foundation and concealer, the basic template). See how many different looks you can come up with with a limited set of products.

Next week, put this group aside and do it again.

I'm on week 2 of this and am really having fun, and it's making me think outside the box (literally LOL).

I was also lucky that I didn't end up with 2 orange blushes and 2 magenta lipsticks LOL.


New member
I love this idea! I've been thinking of trying something like that too. I have sooo much makeup (and I keep adding to the collection, although I have slowed down some ha) that I feel I never get the chance to use it all. I've been thinking of trying this with my palettes, for example- choosing a palette and only using the eyeshadows in the palette for the whole week, and doing a different look with the palette each day. Keep us updated on how this goes for you! I'm gonna give it a shot too!


Neat! Thanks for sharing :) I think I will try this instead of what I am doing now... I actually have a 'chart' of the different brand names and then try to use a different brand each day and see if I can go through the list... (big time MU junkie!!)

You should share pictures of the 'products of the week' :D