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Steamy, gold, coppery look! [video, link]


Well-known member
Re: Steamy, gold, coppery look!

Awesome! Great tut!


Well-known member
Re: Steamy, gold, coppery look!

Can't wait to take a look! BTW I really like the videos where you talk in them...somehow I can follow those better, I don't know why
Keep them up, your videos are wonderful!!


Well-known member
Re: Steamy, gold, coppery look!

Originally Posted by MACATTAK
Can't wait to take a look! BTW I really like the videos where you talk in them...somehow I can follow those better, I don't know why
Keep them up, your videos are wonderful!!

yeah im sorry i don't talk at the moment but i live at my parents house till i find a new apartment cause my boyfriend and I broke up so im practically homeless at the moment.
But when i hopefully sometime in the nearest future get a place to live ill do the talking ones again.


Well-known member
Re: Steamy, gold, coppery look!

Sorry to hear about your breakup
Hope all gets better soon. I'm glad you are still posting your videos...you always look so great!