straight up gangstaaaa


Well-known member
I love it!! You are rocking the hell out of this look. The blues are so amazing on you. I'm gonna copy cat sometime...soon!


Well-known member
i love this!

i wore waternymph all over my lid with flashtrack in the crease and my mum said i looked hideous and like a geisha! i was like wtf?! i just told her she was too old to understand lol


Well-known member
so hot!!! forget the haters they are just jelous coz they can't rock the blues the way you do!


Well-known member
Great look, I love the colours of blue you used!

I really hate it when people say that about other people based on their make-up. But I mainly feel sorry for the person saying it, they're just covering up their own insecurities about the way THEY look. It's good to see people who are comfortable enough in their own skin to wear what they want and totally rock it. Thanks for the FOTD!