Stuck with the MAC sale!


Well-known member
I'm trying to figure out which eyeshadow refill pans to get, and since a lot of the eyeshadow I KNOW I want don't come in pan form, I'm a little stuck!

So far, in my cart I have:
Aquadisiac, Swimming, Hepcat, Shroom, Da Bling
(unless someone says one of those is a bad idea/has a similar shade that works better, something!)
I need two more!
I was thinking Moon's Reflection and/or Cranberry, but I haven't seen either irl, which makes me nervous in case they're actually ugly or something haha.
Any recommendations for some good shadows I may be missing? I was thinking of getting a darker gray - something in between Scene and Carbon - what might that be?

Here's what I already have fyi:
Blanc Type, Soft Brown, Woodwinked, Espresso, Carbon, Nylon, Omega, Amber Lights, Electra, Scene, Gesso, Copperplate, Crystal Avalanche.
Chrome Yellow, Samoa Silk, Yogurt, Bright Future, Rule, Sushi Flower, Gorgeous Gold, Orange, Passionate, Coppering.
Bitter, Juxt, Humid, Henna, Steamy, Freshwater, Plumage, Vibrant Grape, Beautiful Iris, Purple Haze, Fig. 1.
Newly Minted, Hush, Mythology.


Well-known member
Aquadisiac, Swimming, Hepcat, Shroom, Da Bling

I have all of those except for shroom. I love them all.
Hepcat and swimming are probably my favourites though.

I would recommend electric eel and pink freeze.

If you're looking for a lighter black or dark grey I have both Black tied and knight divine and would recommend either. Black tied is a nice softer black but knight divine is a better texture.

Hope this helps


Well-known member
I would say that print is between carbon and scene. It is a nice dark grey. You need some more purple e/s in your life! Hepcat is a great start, I also recommend nocturnelle and stars and rockets. Other great colors are tilt and deep truth in the blues.


Well-known member
Thanks for your suggestions!
I asked some other people, searched for swatches, soo much and ended up with:
Aquadisiac, Hepcat, Moon's Reflection, Shroom, Da Bling, Parfait Amour, Cranberry.
Swimming I know I can always get at the counter anyways, haha. And I'll be looking for these other shades you guys suggested, too, of course! I just ended up with tooo many and had to cut some out haha.