Student Essay Arrest - Chicago


Well-known member
The story was in the Chicago Tribune, with a photo of Allan Lee the "perpetrator" on the front page.,696682.story

This is his actual "essay" which got him arrested:

Blood sex and Booze. Drugs Drugs Drugs are fun. Stab, Stab, Stab, S…t…a…b…, poke. "So I had this dream last night where I went into a building, pulled out two P90s and started shooting everyone…, then had sex with the dead bodies. Well, not really, but it would be funny if I did." Umm, yeah, what to wright about…… I'm leaving to join the Marines and I really don't give a (obscenity) about my academics, so why does the only class that's complete Bull ####, happen to be the only required class…enough said. The model citizen would stay around to vote in new board member to change the 4 years of English policy, but no one really stays around to vote for that kind of local crap, so whoever gets there name on the Ballet with a pretty face gets to do what the (obscenity) ever they want with local ordinance. A person is smart, but people are dumb selfish animals. We can't make rules for ourselves so we vote others to do it for us, but we can't even do that right, I meen seriously, Bush for President? And our other option was John Kerry who claimed to parktake in Vietnam Special Forces missions that haven't been declassified….(obscenity) Bull ####. So Power Flower Super Mario. Pudge, hook, rot, dismember "Fresh Meat." Mostly new/young teachers are laid back, and cooperative with students as feedback and input into the curriculum and atmosphere. My current English teacher is a control freak intent on setting a gap between herself and her students like a 63 year old white male fortune 500 company CEO, and a illegal immigrant. If CG was a private catholic school, I could understand, but wtf is her problem. And baking brownies and rice crispies does not make up for it, way to try and justify yourself as a good teacher while underhandedly looking for complements on your cooking. No quarrel on you qualifications as a writer, but as a teacher, don't be surprised on inspiring the first cg shooting.


It seems to me like the teacher turned it in partially because he insulted her. And did you hear about the arizona kid who was charged with international terrorism?



Well-known member
And this is what happens when the schools are held accountable for the "what mights".
What might happen if he wrote that and he DID go off?
What might happen if they read that and didn't do anything?
How would they be responsible if he weren't stopped before he blew his top?
Schools don't know the extent of a student's personal life, so all they have to go off of is something like this. They don't want to be held accountable for the same thing VT is.


Well-known member
While I think his essay was in bad taste, I dont think it deserves an arrest.

Granted he did threaten a teacher, so some form of discipline is necessary, as that type of behavior is truly un called for. Perhaps have him speak with a counciler would be a good thing as well. But arresting him is a bit of a knee jerk reaction.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
But it could be a warning sign!! We should stop him!


Beauty Mark

Well-known member
You're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't.

If this kid actually did something and the school hadn't intervened, people would point to the essay and say "Why didn't you do anything?" If they act, like now, they're criticized for not allowing freedom of speech.

I personally think that an arrest is a bit much. I also think we can't patrol every single piece of distasteful writing in the schools.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae

Power Flower Super Mario...

O_O what a weirdo kid. Meh, I think some action was totally necassery. Maybe an arrest (with no conviction, hopefully) will wake this kid up that he can't threaten people and get away with it.


Well-known member
Yeah i mean, some action definitely necessary, but the arrest is too much. It carries something like a $1200 fine and 30 days jail time!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by EmbalmerBabe
That's an essay? That is the worst essay I have ever seen.

Agreed. It is very poorly written. Run on sentences. Poor structure.
The Author is screaming for attention if you ask me.


Well-known member
Maybe they should have gave him some counselling, but arrest? That is just pathetic. So much for free speech.


Well-known member
It's not really imposing on his freedome of speech to not accept that essay. And I do think it merits some form of discipline, as essays like that are NOT appropriate for students to be writing to teachers. Or classroom settings in general.

I agree arrest was too much, but monitoring him, counciling, suspension perhaps, etc. Are defeneteley appropriate.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
^ That's exactly what I wrote...he should get counselled, not arrested.

Yeh... Knee jerk reactions like that are never really fixing the deeper issues.


Well-known member
Arrested? For that? Uh, I think counselling is the way to go with something like that.


Well-known member
Counseling of some sort is a good start since he hasn't done anything illegal to warrant incarceration or detainment. With an essay like that though, I think better to err on the side of caution, since this individual seems quite disturbed, especially in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings.