Studio Fix Fluid


Well-known member
Does Studio Fix Fluid foundation run darker than other MAC foundations/concealers? I am a NC35 in the Studio finish concealer, but it seems that even the NC30 in the SFF is a bit too dark for me! Would NC25 in SFF be too light? (For reference, I'm medium oilve skin with yellow/golden undertones and 2.0 Light in BE founddation). TIA!


Well-known member
go to ur local mac store and ask for a sample or get an ma to try a colour on you.
a few weeks ago i bought sff and i love it! it does look a tad orange when you first apply it but once its all blended it looks great (looks amazing when applied with 187 brush).
the colours tend to run a little darker so be sure to test out a few before you buy.
i got a sample and applied it before i went to the supermarket to see what it looked like under the bright lights!
i hope you manage to find your colour because its such a good foundation!