Studio Fix help needed


Well-known member
Okay I have very neutral skin. I purchased Studio Fix originally in NW20 which I found to be too pink. Next time I purchased N4 which was still Pinkish on me. Next I purchased NC20 which isn't bad, but oranges up just a bit. The Makeup Artist says I should probably be in a C2. Does that sound right. Won't that be too yellow. She said it is more beige than NC20. I thought C2 was more yellow than beige. I am very neural with both yellow and pink in my skin. I have never heard of someone who isn't quite yellow going into C color. Any one able to help me with this.


Well-known member
Thanks. I am new here, didn't know to try Recs. Pumpkincat210 are you using C2? If so do you find it to be beige more than yellow.


Well-known member
You might have to use two shades, one NC and one NW...I have to do that...I am technically an NW23...NW 20 is too light and NW 25 way too dark...that being said, I am using N5 and it's not pink on me, but I also layer a little NC20 poweder on top to balance it out. The funny thing is that the Studio Moisture Tint that came out with Catherine (NW23) is sheer perfection on me...I need to buy a few bottles of this before it's d/c'd!


Well-known member
im a C2 as well and on my skin, at least, its more beige than yellow...but it might be different on you test them out WHILE your at the mac counter? cuz i mean they tested a bunch of different colors on me before they found the right one...sorry this isnt too much help!


Well-known member
Yes they test them and tell me they are perfect but in that light they probably do look okay. Then when I get home and I look in the regular light, they looked pink. The NC20 actually looked right, but it changes to an orange colour after its been on for a while. I am trying different moisturizers too see if that helps. I spray with Fix+ after which actually kind of helps it from changing colour on me. I actually emailed Mac about this changing colour and that is when it was suggested I was C2 because it was less yellow than NC20 which I found hard to believe because on the Mac website it says use C if you have olive skin which I don't. Its hard when the sales girls can't even agree what I am. I guess I just have strange colour skin. And the worst part is my neck look very light yellow compared to my face which doesn't help.