Studio Tech NW 20 VS. NC 25


Active member
I've worn Studio Tech NW 20 for a few years...not 100% in-love with the color (and bronzer doesn't help). So, the other day when I was at Nordies, the gal asked if I wore NC 25. I know I have neutral-colored skin and usually top the NW20 with N4 and N5 in Studio Fix.

So, could I get away with the NC 25 in Studio Tech for the base or would I look like an ompa-loompa? I went ahead and bought Studio Fix Fluid in NW 20 that other's a little more colorful (and it's drying my nose out)...but I always loved Studio Tech. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Well-known member
I wore Studio Fix Fluid in NW 20 a long time. One day my MA recommended it in NC 25 and I love it! It is quiet better now.