Subscribing to threads


Well-known member
Is there a way to set in you profile so that everytime you reply to a thread it automatically suscribes you to it, but without getting email notifications? I often ask questions in threads, but then cant remember what or where it was! If I could just see threads I subscribed to in User CP, it would be so much easier!


Well-known member
first, to NOT receive email notification, go to:

-user cp
-edit options
-in the messages and notification window, change the default threads to "no email notification"

now you won't receive emails when news posts are made

to just show your subscriptions, go to:

-user cp
-subscribed threads
-list subscriptions

this will show all the threads you are subscribed to. you can also edit these threads from this window.

mods please correct me if i'm wrong or if there is a different way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I have subscribed to threads and I never get any notification.

to get them you have to set your notification to receive them.

go to
-user cp
-edit options
-in the messages and notification window, change the default threads to "receive email notification"
-set when you want to receive the notification.

see if that works if you wanna get em.


Well-known member
Thank you so much for helping with that Erine! You described it perfectly.

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
So in order to get a reminder in the user cp telling me someone has posted in a thread I replied to, I have to actually go to thread tools and click subscribe? It won't automatically do it if I post in that thread?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Stephie Baby
So in order to get a reminder in the user cp telling me someone has posted in a thread I replied to, I have to actually go to thread tools and click subscribe? It won't automatically do it if I post in that thread?

by posting in the thread, you are automatically subscribed to it. but in order to receive email notification letting you know that there are additional posts since yours, you need to set your account to receive the emails.

go to
-user cp
-edit options
-in the messages and notification window, change the default threads to "receive email notification"
-set when you want to receive the notification.

doing the above steps just lets you get the email notifications alerting you to new posts.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
Thank you so much for helping with that Erine! You described it perfectly.

thanks janice! i know how confusing it is trying to figure out new stuff, so i try to help when i can.