Suggestions for getting this look


Hi there! I'd like to try replicating a look but I'm not so good when it comes to identifying products and application techniques. I was hoping some of you might be able to help. The look in pics below (you can see mu much better by clicking on 2nd photo), is dramatic and I'd like to tone it down a bit. I plan on wearing my hair down but I'm not sure that makes any difference in regards to the makeup. Anyway, my guess is to use a black base on the lid and perhaps cover it with dk grey shadow & smudge, smudge, smudge. I don't have much of an eyelid to begin with and my eyes are a bit smaller than Yvonne's. I'm interested in your recs for what to use above the crease (brown/peach color), on cheeks (probably bronzer) and lips. Also, what fake lashes and adhesive do you recommend for beginners? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!



Well-known member
Re: Help with achieving a particular makeup look?

Maybe Embark above the crease? Blended out into something the color of your skin.


Well-known member
Re: Help with achieving a particular makeup look?

embark is going to be pretty dark for a transition color, i'd go with "texture"

It also doesn't look like she's using a dark grey for the lid, I'd go with the black base on the lid like you said, but then a super dark brown over top, like smut or showstopper