Suggestions Please!


Well-known member
So, I'm an NW15, with red hair (natural shade), and green eyes. I have rose pigment, which I usually layer with Antiqued paint pot, because I like the way it looks with my skin, eyes and hair. I like to buy one MAC product per pay check (gotta budget!XD).

What're some good products for my skin tone and eye and hair color?


Well-known member
I bet golds would look great on you. Pale skin, red hair, you sound stunning.

My reccs are:
Woodwinked e/s
Antiqued e/s
Indianwood p/p (looks great under almost any neutral)
Amber Lights e/s (might be a little orange-y but worth a swatch)
All that Glitters e/s

There are so many great shades... you'll have to experiment. I think it's part of the fun


New member
I've got red hair and pale skin too! Here are some things I use almost daily and LOVE:

* Naked lunch eyeshadow
* Blonde's gold pigment (I find gold to be very pretty on redheads)
* Go! eyeshadow

You also might try some plummy colors like satin taupe-- they make green eyes pop.

These are all pretty neutral because I don't like a ton of color around my eyes. Hope this helps!


Well-known member
I used to have red hair and I just recently dyed it dark brown, but I am NW15 with green eyes too, and I'm loving Melon pigment lately


Well-known member
Thanks so much for the input guys~! I actually have Artifact paint pot, not Antiqued. :/

I'll have to go play with these suggestions when I get my next check (so I don't end up buying them right now.XD Boyfriend's birthday is coming up).

I've also heard that warm colors are supposed to look good on red heads. Have to play with that a bit.

**Edit--I was looking at swatches of the suggestions, and I was a little shocked when I looked up the Peaches blush. I've been using something closer to Pinch O' Peach. Have I been using the wrong color? It's subtle. I mean, I don't look like Mimi when I wear it. What color should I use to contour?