

Well-known member
I think we all think about it from time to time...If people were truly honest with themselves, they would see that sometime in their lives they've probably thought at least about dying; if not suicide altogether.

The difference is in your actions...most of the people who think about suicide never attempt it. You weren't very specific in your post; obviously you must be thinking about suicide in some way, shape, or form.

I do not know what you are upset/depressed about....I can tell you suicide just isn't the answer. Whatever is wrong in your life now most likely won't seem so horrible two years from now...Sure, there are things that happen in life that we will never get over, but time truly does mend a hurting heart...

Besides that, the thing that scares me most, personally, is the thought that I really don't know what would happen to me if I chose to end my own life. Now, I really don't believe in the traditional version of "Hell"....but I DO believe if one chooses to take their own life, they don't get to go to the Other Side (or, "Heaven" in a traditional sense)...Maybe they linger in limbo for a time...Maybe they are put in a Purgatory-type place...One theory/idea I've heard that would be enough alone to scare me away from killing myself is that if one kills oneself, they are sent directly back (reincarnated, if you will) to live the same type of life over again with the same problems, heartaches, and miseries as before...they don't get any respite....just right back to the same type of life they left so they can do it over again. Sort of makes sense; if you don't do something right the first time, you must do it again until you *do* get it right!

The thing is, none of us REALLY knows what happens after we die--as strong as our faith may be, there still is always a question. Personally, I think it's better to live out your life, do it as well as you possibly the best person you can, and then when your 'time' comes, you can let yourself go knowing you've done what you could to live well, and that God, Nature or whatever you believe in is taking you back Home.

I didn't want this to turn into a Religious/Spiritual lecture....but you cannot think/speak of suicide without at least glossing over that area.

Maybe you could be a little more specific, and tell us what's been troubling you (if you feel comfortable). You could even P.M. me if you want. One of the best things for depression/suicidal thoughts, is talking with someone who understands..It may also be a good idea to speak with a qualified professional. Whatever you do, please don't do anything rash. I cannot stress this enough. I've know enough people in my life that have had a loved one take their own life, to know suicide hurts so bad. Not just you....but if affects every single person in your life. It's like a link reaction...You wouldn't want to leave your loved ones hurting, wondering if it was 'their fault' (and they would always wonder that), wondering why they didn't 'do something'....No, you wouldn't want to put them through that, I am sure.

Please get back to us at least to let us know how you are....Hopefully you can add a little more detail if you feel comfortable.

Just know, there are people who care about you....even though I don't know you, I've never seen or spoken to you, *I* care. I hate to see/know of anyone in such pain. My thoughts will be with you!!



Well-known member
Yes, I've been through it a few times

I've been through a lot of stuff, I ended up in hospital quite a few times and one time I was in a coma for about three days.

All I can say is please be careful; there are things you can do to your body that you can't take back. Things DO get better but it does take time.


Well-known member
If you need somebody to talk to, please PM me. I know what you are going through and I can try to help you with the best of my abilities. I have attempted suicide twice and tried to overdose twice. If you are even thinking of suicide, there must be something serious going on. Suicide is the last resort. I know what the desperation feels like and feeling like you are suffocating. Your depression takes over and there is nothing you can do. You need to talk about it. More than likely, a therapist is the best thing if you are seriously thinking about. I will be here for you if you need me.

little teaser

Well-known member
no i cant say that i ever wanted to end my own life. i have never suffer depression like that where i feel hopeless ,but i totally agree with yvettejeannine. hope you can get some help

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Yes, but suicide really isn't the answer. You can't get your life back if you succeed. Life will more often than not get better for you. Life isn't easy, but please don't attempt suicide. Call someone at a hotline to talk about it, do something pro-active. Most people who attempt suicide don't want to die, they want life to get better.


Well-known member
Call 1800 SUICIDE for help if you ever need to's confidential and 24 hours a day


Well-known member
yes, i have thought about it a few times during the past year. i know it's not the answer and thats why im still here today.


Well-known member
It differs between people, but i find keeping myself away from people and situations that are emotionally exhausting (which is all of them when i feel like that) helps. Going somewhere like a river, or a wooded area - nature always reminds me of reasons to be alive, and it clears my head better than meditation ever could.
Taking the time to deal with your own feelings and issues and putting other peoples on hold for a while (sounds selfish, but you have to look after yourself before you can help others) - be honest with people if you cant deal with their dramas and issues at the mo.
Surround yourself with things that make you happy and make you feel safe - no matter how small and redundant these things feel now.

Talking helps some people, whether its with a loved one, someone that knows what you are going through, a stranger that is willing to listen (im sure all of us that have answered will be happy to exchange PM's if thats what you want - ive personally blurted things out to a random stranger that i wouldnt see again on more than one occasion - which helped), or a professional (i would very much suggest you have counselling as it sounds like the result of a specific trama).

If you self harm:
A rubber/elastic band worn on the wrist is a common method of helping you not to hurt yourself - as is holding an ice cube in your hand. Sounds lame in writing, but may give you those precious few minutes to think about what you are doing, and whether you really want to do it. This is only a very short term fix though.

Volunteer work may help boost self esteem if this is an issue - though i havent personally done this.

Know that you arent alone in this, and that there are many people that understand what you are going through - never think that your feelings and inability to cope is an overreaction or that you are not entilted to feel that way. We all deal with things differently, and sometimes we feel weak or need time to heal. This doesnt make you less worthy, or that you dont have a bright future - it just means that maybe its clouded right now, but this WILL change.


Well-known member
I think most people reach a point in their lives where they contemplate ending it all, it's just that most people can shake it off. I'm proud of you for recognizing that you need to let some of your feelings out, and if you need to use this forum to do that then go ahead. Sometimes it helps so much just to verbalize what you are feeling, whether through going somewhere secluded and yelling and screaming, or typing out your thoughts here. Know that we are here for you regardless of how you choose to get yourself through this.


Well-known member
I've been there, I'm not good with advice but all I can say is your not the only one out there that's ever felt that way (I've come to discover it's more common than you think) and also it takes time to get over it.

In terms of living I found at my worst times writing things down lifted SO much off my chest without me talking to someone which was sometimes difficult, even now I get certain thoughts in my mind but nothing a good cry can't solve. Anything to help keep your mind focused on something else may work especially if you find suicidal thoughts come when you have nothing else going on.

Oh and lastly the one thing that scares me most is the thought of my actions sending me back to hospital which was the worst experience of my life.


Well-known member
Yes, I have been suicidal. You can PM me if you want. Please don't do it. I had a close friend that killed herself as a teen and I miss her every year that I live. That's how I hold on. I think how much her tragic end affected so many in such a bad way.

Please reach out and get help.


Well-known member
my dad's always said that suicide is the only mistake you can't fix. the man speaks the truth.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
my dad's always said that suicide is the only mistake you can't fix. the man speaks the truth.

Your dad is right...


Well-known member
Go for it! It sounds like fun - and even though its to do with surface beauty, its clear that makeup can be a foundation for how people accept and view themselves. I would love to be a MUA but alas i can barely apply my own!
Good luck with whatever you decide.


Well-known member
listen, if you ever ever ever need to talk, please message me. i know exactly what you are going through. last year, i was at my worst. i ended up in a hospital under a suicide watch. seriously, if you need to talk i am here for you. its been really hard, but i am getting better....and i really know what you are going through.

i really hope things get better for you babydoll, and always remember, they will. i promise.
