Swatching paper


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

Right ive decided to keep myself well organised (will be a first) and put all my makeup into swatches so i can see the colours and what goes with what also so i can start to do some looks onto paper to see how they will look and keep them for reference. Right does anyone know what the best watercolour paper to get to put makeup onto or even if there is specialist makeup paper out there to do the product swatches also all the MAC faces i have seen have been slightly blurry does anyone know where i can buy proper ones from? Or even if there is a proper one you can print of.

Thanks for reading

Nessy xx


Well-known member
I did an “advanced search” of Face Chart (Titles Only) and came up w/some previous threads on the subject. There are a lot more. But, I just listed a few here.

I got 5 face charts last week from the free-standing store in New Jersey.


Well-known member
Thank you for the info, I think i will just go and get some watercolour paper and see how that goes, and then hopefully ask if i can have one when i get to a MAC counter

Thanks again

Nessy xx