Switched from BE to EM - Breakouts?


Well-known member
Is it possible that I could be allergic or something to Everyday Minerals and yet NOT to Bare Escentuals?

I've recently switched over to Everyday Minerals since I figured hey it's just like Bare Minerals but without the bismuth and a bit cheaper (plus I liked that it offered a more matte finish). Bismuth never bothered me, I used Bare Minerals for 5 years with no problems but I thought it couldn't hurt, the less ingredients the better.

But shortly after starting EM, I have had the most bizarre and horrible break out of my life. I NEVER break out like this, I only ever get 3-4 pimples around my time of the month. But now my forehead and chin are crazyyy bumpy, I can't even feel my skin anymore it's all bumps, it's GROSS. I even have it all under my jaw which I've never seen before in my life and all along my hair line and around my nose.

Nothing else has changed recently so I don't know how to explain it, it just seems strange to me because isn't EM basically the same as BE without the bismuth? My mom suggested it was the oils from my hair or something but I clean my pillow cases regularly and sleep with my hair tied up plus I don't see how all of a sudden that could make my skin go nuts all at once.

I'm going to stop using it to see what's going on and I've been working on clearing it up but I just wanted to see if anyone had some thoughts on this, if it could be at all possible? I guess anything is.


New member
Im glad you brought this up. I too switched to Everyday Minerals and I have been having the worst breakouts of my life. I kept on telling myself it can be but now i really think is because of the Everyday Minerals. Its too bad because they are really cheap. I am going to stop using it and see what happens.


Well-known member
I switched from BE temporarily to MAC's mineral make-up and had the same reaction, I switched back to BE and it's clearing up some, I think I'm going to let it clear up completely and try the MAC again, maybe we just got so use to BE that our face's are in shock, but at any rate unless it blisters I think I'm going to try and get use to MAC since I got excited and bought 3 containers of it. Are you in a humid climate, I am and maybe that could be some of it too.


Well-known member
Oh wow thank you both!!

- I was trying to get rid of it before I stopped using EM and it wasn't budging, now two days after I stopped EM, it's finally going down so I'm thinking maybe it was that after all. I don't know. I woke up this morning and it had calmed down a lot. I find it so strange that EM could have caused this but I have no other explanations. Let me know how it goes with you, I'll update once I know more.

- That's true maybe my skin just got used to BE and it went into some sort of shock with this new product on it, but it was so severe that I'd be really nervous to try using EM again if I pinpoint that it was the cause. I stopped using it and it's finally calming down so I'm a bit concerned.

Oh I just saw your humid climate comment, how did I miss that? lol I am in a humid climate as well but how could that have affected it all of a sudden? It's also been pretty cool and dry lately so I'm not sure. My skin has never reacted to sudden changes in the weather either.

I showed my neighbor today and her first reaction was that it definitely has to be an allergy to something new, she suggested I take an antihistamine to help it go down. I think it's weird that it's not on my cheeks at all though 'cause that's where I put the most makeup. It's like all around my face, encircling it, all over my neck near my jaw (I put makeup there a lot to blend it all) and just around my nose. She said maybe I walked under a tree and had some reaction to pollen that fell on my face but I haven't been outside much. lol I don't know. =(

Anyone else in a similar situation?? I'd love to hear any more opinions on this!