Tartan Tale pigment ideas, esp. The Family Crest (TFC)


Active member
Hello, everyone! I've searched all over but didn't find anything especially related to the pigments from MAC's Tartan Tale Holiday 2010 collection.

Two goals for this thread:

1) Share your thoughts on The Family Crest pigment! A few people have said their's is distinctly purple in tone, while most everybody else says it's a dark, dark brown. I couldn't resist the chance of missing a LE piggie, so I bought it, too. Mine is definitely dark brown with gold glitter, but I have no idea what to do with an almost-black color. Which leads to...

2) I can't even find any looks around Specktra or the web with Eyes Of The Day or tutorials using these pigments. Please post your pictures of your piggie looks and your ideas for how to use these pigments.

Thanks and I hope this is useful to others!


Well-known member
For a night look, I like a really dramatic black smokey eye... Black on the lid and then blended upward & a nice neutral highlighter with maybe a little shimmer. I did this with FC today playing around... I didn't love how it turned out on me but if I had done a better job I think it would have looked great with FC as the focus.

Here is something similar to what I did by ParaNoir (but with Bloodline...): http://www.specktra.net/forum/thread/171477/bloodline


Well-known member
when i receive mine this thursday i will give you my 2 cents and post some combos for you, i promise!


Well-known member
I love TFC, it's my favourite so far from the collection. I would describe it as a dark, warm, rich brown.

I've used it over Lord It Up pearglide as a base (on lid, smoked out) and it's gorgeous. I also used it in my halloween look (leopard) with naked pigment, amber lights, and bronzy browns. I used Margin blush and Blankety and Soft Dazzle on the lips.


Well-known member
I haven't used mine yet (besides to swatch), but when I do I plan on using it all over the lid on top of Below Ground GPS. I think it will be uber pretty


Well-known member
I haven't used my TFC yet, but I'm planning to use it over Lord It Up just like Ms. Funtabulous up there
I used Moonlight Night over Undercurrent and loved it, so I'm hoping for a similar effect here! I think it would also make a gorgeous crease colour if used sparingly on a more neutral brown or bronze look. It could also be fun to wear wear almost as a liner!


Well-known member
mine should arrive soon and you know i'll be playing with it alot! so i shall post my thoughts then
but to bring out the purple try using a purple base. i will try out mufe aqua cream in #19 to see if it makes a difference


Well-known member
I actually have it on now as a nail polish. Unfortunately it looks almost black and the sparkle doesn't show up very well. I wouldn't bother using it as a polish.


Well-known member
I copied this look, I loved it! Mine wasn't as good as hers, but it looked good and was super simple =]


Well-known member
well i have used it once so far and loved it. i used it with nice vice paint pot as a base to rbing out the purpley tones. used it wet on my lid with a dark matte brown shadow in the crease to blend it out. and then dazzlelight shadow to highlight - it looked super pretty


Well-known member
i just pressed a pan of the family crest, which gave me a really good idea of what the color actually is. i would say it's a dark, smoky plum base with golden particles. just beautiful! it reminded me of mauvement, but deeper and a bit more complex. i wore it recently with restless and take wing and it looked amazing. (i am fair with blue eyes if that helps!)