Teddy vs Stubborn Brown


Well-known member
What is the difference in color? And the differecnce between powerpoint and kohl pancil?


Well-known member
Kohls are extremely smudgy...they lack staying power (especially in the waterline), but are useful for smokey looks, or even layering under a shadow to amp up the color a bit. Powerpoints hold up longer, they're made to stay put...they don't last as long as fluidline or other gel liners in the waterline, but they do stay a lot longer than kohls. Used on the lashline, they'll last for quite a while, especially if you've used a primer on your lids. HTH!


Well-known member
In terms of color, they are very similar, but Teddy has a slight bronzy shimmer that Stubborn Brown doesn't have. T is smudgier, SB is more resistant, IMO. But they're both gorgeous (I own both).