Thank You Missmacqtr


Well-known member
I just want everyone to know what a most generous and sweet person missmacqtr is.

A few weeks ago I made a thread crying and boohooin about how I lost my Heirloom 187se bursh.

She then sent me a pm offering me a 187se herilooms brush for free no less. She did not want to accept any money not even for shipping. Mind you she is an international specktrette ..and I have a crazy european militay apo adress.

i gave her my info and she told me she sent. a few weeks later she let me know she recieved the package back and would try to resend. I kind of forgot about it and didnt want to bother about either because well she was doing this for free ya know.

I didn't want to bug her after the package was retruend and all..It just made me happy to know a stranger went to such lengths just to make another stranger smile lol.

So today i get a pm from missmacqtr. we havent corrssponded in weeks. She asks me if I have checked my email lately. And actually I havent ..the email she used for me ...I rarely rarley check sometimes for weeks at a time lol.

SO i go log on too my hotmail ..and what do I see ...... missmacqtr sent me a 25$ Mac E gift card!!!!!! Apologizing for sending the brush and haveing it returned twice to her .. omg this girl is too sweet and generous.

I dunno what to say or do ..other than tell everyone on specktra how awesome this person is.

THank thank you so much missmacqtr you are truley one in a million.

I hope that I can repay your kindness in some way.


Well-known member
That was so sweet of her. I remember the original posts and thinking that she was very thoughtful.


Well-known member
What a wonderful story, thanks for sharing and urbanlily and thanks to missmacqtr for being such a lovely person.


Well-known member
It's reading stuff like this that reminds me that there are actually genuinely good people in the world. Thanks for sharing urbanlilyfairy. Enjoy your thoughtful gift. You ROCK Missmacqtr! You have a beautiful heart!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by meiming
It's reading stuff like this that reminds me that there are actually genuinely good people in the world. Thanks for sharing urbanlilyfairy. Enjoy your thoughtful gift. You ROCK Missmacqtr! You have a beautiful heart!

You took the words right out of my mouth


Well-known member
urbanlilyfairy you are so sweet..


And all of you ladies thank you !!really!your kindness and your sweet thoughts is overwhelming

Thank you