The Big Bang Theory!


Active member
I haven't seen a thread on this so I thought I'd start.

Has anyone seen this show? I'm LOVING it! And it's so f*cking hilarious. Of course, I can hardly understand most of whatever comes out of Sheldon's mouth.

But Sheldon, oh Sheldon.

He's my favorite.


Well-known member
I really like this show too. I'm in serious need of comedy shows. I can't wait til they find a suitable "mate" for Sheldon... so curious as to what kind of girl he might actually like.


Well-known member
I watch the show occasionally it is so funny, sheldon cracks me up. I always forget about it though but i do like watching it!


Well-known member
Watching right now, great show. Wish it followed closer to How I Met Your Mother like last year when they were back to back but I try to catch both of them.


Well-known member
I've only seen a few episodes and I really enjoyed them. Funny stuff. Plus I have a huge lady-boner (<----hopefully not offensive here) for nerds so I'm watching the show like


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShesNoGhost
I have a huge lady-boner (<----hopefully not offensive here) for nerds so I'm watching the show like

Me too! Not offended at all. I love nerdy boys and describing my like for things as lady boners.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShesNoGhost
I've only seen a few episodes and I really enjoyed them. Funny stuff. Plus I have a huge lady-boner (<----hopefully not offensive here) for nerds so I'm watching the show like

Lady boner? I love it!


Well-known member
the guys at work like this show and i have watched a couple of episodes with them. it's ok but not really my thing. it didn't make me laught aloud or anything...


Well-known member
LOVE THIS SHOW! My hubby got me hooked
And Sheldon is so funny - one of a kind.

And I love Johnny Galecki (plays Leonard). WHO ELSE THINKS HE IS HOT? Is it just me? I've loved him since he played David on "Rosanne". WAY CUTE!


Well-known member
I just started watching it, I love it!! At first I wasn't interested at all, then one night nothing else was on and I've been hooked ever since!


Well-known member
I love this show! It gets better and better with each episode! I loved the one where Sheldon had to drive Penny to the emergency room and then they sang "Soft Kitty" in a round!


Well-known member
Yeah, honestly when I first watched it I liked the novelty of the nerdiness and I really needed just something, anything else to watch on tv that might make me laugh, however I wasn't instantly hooked. It took me a few episodes to really like it... but when they do it right it's comedic gold. I love the episode where Sheldon goes into the Asian restaurant and is trying to speak Mandarin and explain his food preferences.


Well-known member
I know I'm a bit of a geek, but then I feel even geekier when some theory will be mentioned and I will know what they're talking about.

This show makes me laugh so hard. I only got into it recently, and my mom had to ask me why I hadn't picked it up sooner.


Well-known member
Looooove this show. I started in at the beginning (though I often have school when it's on)and now my whole family loves it.

I just remember thinking, when it came out: "These are my people." Haha, I love them all.


Active member
My absolute favorite Big Bang moment was in the episode where Penny gets Sheldon a napkin signed by Lenard Nemoy (or 'Spock' from Star Trek, for those of you who don't know.

And Sheldon flips out! Lol It's sooooo cute! The lip quiver...


This show cracks me up! I just got into it a couple of months ago, and now it is my favorite new hot show. I watch it whenever I can. Sheldon is so damn funny!

I guess my favorite moment would be...or rather the whole episode where Sheldon is sick, lol. One of my favorites.


Well-known member
I just recently fell in love with TBBT! One of my hallmates told me that I should try it out and, though I normally LOATHE sitcoms with a laugh-track, I struck gold. My sister and I now play "rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock," my favorite move being when "paper disproves Spock."

And, as everyone does, I LOVE SHELDON! He's such a quirky character. Love it when he tries to pick out what's sarcasm and what isn't. But I also have a soft spot for Raj. I kind of want him to get over his paralyzing shyness, but it makes him so gosh-darn adorable!