The Big Chop


Well-known member
As I promised, pics of me after my BC. I've decided to go natural and I luv it!



Well-known member
Yes honey! You are still a beauty, I love it! I'm really a fan of long hair(weave) but I too think its about that time to for a big chop! Maybe this summer.

I hear short hair like the way you had it before takes a lot of maintainence but i could imagine how that's not an issue anymore, natural and all. Thx for posting!


Well-known member
bald headed pretty heifer!!! And YOU know how it is are beautiful!!! I went thru it too and it will be annoying and fun...But you have the face to so rock it!!!


Well-known member
I love it... it brings so much more attention to your gorgeous face. Would love if you could post a before pic directly for comparison... your icon one is smaller =)