"The devil made me do it"


Well-known member
That is so sad and disgusting! I usually am not an advocate for the death penalty, but this lady obviously needs to be put down. She doesn't deserve to live after doing that to her infant child.


Well-known member
As a mother I find that appalling. I hope that women gets what she deserves. I think the aunt and grandmother should be held accountable too, I mean how can you be in the same house when that is happening and not know or do anything about it.


Well-known member
I had just read this too, it really made me tear up...idk how anyone could do that to a child


Well-known member
And i bet they'll find her not guilty by reason of insanity.

This makes me sick. that is one fucked up bitch that shoudl be kept away from the public forever.


Well-known member
Darlin'. This is Texas. She'll be found guilty, but she won't be getting death row. That's about as far as our mercy extends. A horrific crime like that? She knew she did wrong, she called 911 and announced it.
Mental health issues will likely be taken into account, but the only ground the juries will likely give is that she's not going to get the lethal injection.


Well-known member
I was thinking about it, an its possible she had postpartum psychosis. I mean, she obviously had mental health issues before hand, but postpartum psychosis is fuckin scary stuff.
There's a fair few women that horrifically murder there kids that have PpP. And a fair few get off by reason of insanity.


Well-known member
She's clearly insane, she should be kept in a psychiatric until for the rest of her life. I get so tired of reading these stories, why was no-one montioring her? If she'd received psychiatric treatment, people were aware of her condition, post partum psychosis is something that, her doctors (whether psychiatric or other) would/should have been aware of the risk of and acted accordingly. Her family would have noticed that something was up and in light of her problems and the childs father leaving (i.e. a potential trigger event or a factor which would make it worse) should have got help for her and her poor baby.


Well-known member
I know that in a lot of Postpartum cases, the mothers hide things really well, or there are only very subtle changes. The kind you notice in hindsight.

This is obviously a special case seeing as her mental health was already way beyond questionable. She def. should have been monitored closely.


Well-known member
the whole situation makes me sick to my stomach.
i cannot help but agree that she was mentally ill.. very much so.
that poor baby :'(


New member
me & a co-worker were just reading that article. completely made me sick. my heart goes out to that poor baby & her other children.


Well-known member
man this is horrible. can't even describe what i'm feeling after reading that. she should be put away for a very long time.


Well-known member
I read this story earlier today and it literally made me so sick to my stomach I threw up. I am so fucking tired of these loons being allowed to raise children. Her relatives said she had a history of being in and out of mental instituitions. Someone like this does NOT need to be around ANY children, let alone being responsible for a defensless human being. Fuck her. When a dog is rabid it gets put to sleep for the safety of others and itself. This sick bitch needs to be put to death. I am hardly ever a proponent for state sanctioned death penalties but in this case it's clear she's guilty. I don't give two shits if she is bat shit crazy, I don't care if this woman really felt as though the devil was telling her to eat her 3 1/2 week old babies brains. Fuck her, fuck andrea yates and all of the monsters like her. Once you cross that line of hurting your OWN offspring there is NO turning back and there is NO undoing what you've done, you have no more use on this planet and will NEVER function in society as a normal human being, can NEVER be trusted to be around anyone and are now a threat to everyone they come into contact with.

If this lady is TRULY crazy, she will do the right thing and kill herself and rid the planet of a truly useless human being because NO ONE would be able to live with this once they've come out of psychosis. In college I studied psych along with other areas...Even these people have moments of complete clarity.

Ya know, actually...Killing her and putting her out of her misery is far too easy of a punishment. This woman needs to be thrown into a room with pictures of the crime scene taped all along the walls, so she can stare at what she has done, day in and day out until she dies a natural death...Living every moment of every day knowing what she did to that baby. Knowing what hell her infant went through, knowing that SHE was the cause of her childs suffering and death.

Enough is enough...All of the signs were there, yet she was allowed to be with this child...Same with Andrea yates. These heinious crimes could have been easily prevented had the people close to these women actually given a damn.

Here is another thing that I find troubling. This woman decides to kill her child after the child's father leaves her? Multiple reports have said the night before this woman decapitated her infant, chewed his toes off, ate his brain and mutilated his body, she had taken the child to see his father...When the father asked for the child's birth certificate the woman became irate. Honestly, this woman could have done all of this to her child in a fit of rage because she was pissed off at that childs father and wanted to hurt him in the ultimate way...IN a way that would make anyone want to curl up and die.


Well-known member
IF this woman is a truly diagnosed schizophrenic with postpartum psychosis, then she and her child were FAILED by her doctors and her family. Repeatedly. She should never, ever have been allowed to be near this child or any other helpless person. And to be frank, she never should have been allowed to reproduce with another schizophrenic. Of course, that's not necessarily something we're comfortable with controlling and rightfully so.

True mental illness exists and it is devastating. And if mental healthcare were better, or even easier to deal with, these things wouldn't happen. But it's a tough situation to deal with. You can't force a person to take their meds all the time. I know what schizophrenia does to a person and I can't even imagine what happens when you add in the changes of a pregnancy and childbirth and then postpartum psychosis. I imagine that what goes on in that woman's mind is horrifying. If you've never seen schizophrenia or true psychosis (not just the incorrect applicaton of the word to people with social disorders like sociopaths or psychopaths), you have no idea what they entail. There are no words to describe how awful they both are.

IF this woman truly has these two legitimate mental diagnoses, then I don't blame her. I blame everyone around her. Just like I blame Rusty Yates for the death of his children.


Well-known member
^ not to divert from the original topic, but Andrea Yates was the woman that drowned her kids in the bathtub yes? Or was she the one that put them in the car and drove them into a river?
Either way, this woman had post patrum psychosis right? I don't much about her case (if anything), but i'm wondering why you blame her husband. Did he say he knew something was up with her, but ignored it or something? Or he was ignoring warning signs?
I'm not trying to deflect blame. I'm curious about the case, and the spouse. You seem to know a lot about it.


Well-known member
I just want to interject that having been "treated for mental issues" doesn't necessarily equate to being bat shit crazy. I don't condone what happened. It is truely horrible and gut wrenching. The loss of a defenseless child is never something that people can stomach easily. I feel for the family members left behind that have to deal with her actions.