The end...?


Well-known member
So, I suppose we'll play the game where I give all sorts of backstory first.

I have a history of disasterously bad relationships. The one I was in before the guy that I've been seeing now? Well, he literally threw my furniture around my apartment on more than one occassion. (He turned out to be all kinds of unstable and killed himself blaming my breaking up with him for it, but that's not the issue here)

So, anyhow. The guy I'm currently with, we've been together for two years in March. We've known one another for several years on top of that after having met on the internet. We didn't always get along, but we reconnected while my grandfather was very ill. Shortly after my grandfather passed away, this guy convinced me to actually consider seeing him socially. So we started seeing each other and things were considerably better than I was used to.

He was not abusive, he was relatively caring, he was sweet when he wanted to be. However, he also moved in. He hasn't had a job since then. He has only just gone back to school. (Now, given he's only 24 and 24 is not that old to be going back to school) My family, with the exception of my grandmother, does not like him. He simply isn't their cup of tea, and for as long as he was mine, that was rather ok with them, even if it did strain things a little. I'm sorry that I'm just sort of wall of text ranting, but I swear I'm going to get the point here somewhere.

In the period between when we started to talk to one another and when we started dating, I explored some of my personal interests. I was still trying to get my life back on track after the death of my grandfather, and adjusting to being a full time, art history major, college student, as opposed to a film student. I went to a comic convention and met a guy who I'm friends with now, who just happened to go to the same college as myself. I also met an artist that I've since become really good friends with.

My boyfriend does not trust me to be around either of them and gets intensely suspicious whenever I'm going to see either of them. He accuses me of getting very drunk when I'm out with them and behaving baddly. Now, granted, I did slip once a few months back when he and I were going through a rough period and I considered doing something underhanded thanks to a few too many beers, but it had nothing to do with those friends. (And, actually, in fact it amounted to nothing at all because I realized how very in the wrong I was and came to my senses.)

I had hoped that things were going to get better after that point, but they haven't. It's been a few months of feeling like I am trying to go in a completely different direction from a man that I genuinely DO love. (Because, this does not all amount to some question of my feelings about him. It really comes down to whether or not love is enough. Our lack of general compatibility tells me otherwise.) But, on to what has really made me realize my problems.

When I was last staying with my family for an extended period of time during my summer vacation from college, a friend of mine went to some really silly lengths to get in touch with me. He rode his bike over to my parents' house just to see me (I happened not to be home at the time), and wound up getting my phone number from my mother's husband. We started texting back and forth and wound up going out to see Stardust together. Nothing untoward happened. This guy and I have a lot in common. We can have intelligent conversations and can relate on a level that I just don't feel with the guy I'm with right now. It took me a while to see this, or at least to realize what it meant.

I am being forced to sneak around behind my boyfriend's back to simply be friends with this guy, who I have admittedly developed feelings for. I don't like the way that this feels. Furthermore, it has brought to my attention the reasons that my boyfriend and I can not continue to make this work. I talk to him and find myself searching for the connection that just isn't there. I'm not even sure anymore that the connection was ever there. It hurts me to know that I am going to hurt him when I do this. It kills a small part of me to consider that he won't be a part of my life anymore if I end things. I don't want to lose him, but I don't want to personally suffer anymore by being in a relationship that leaves me wanting something else.

I can't figure out the right way, or the right time to end things. I'm about to go away for three weeks to stay with my family. When I come back, it's seventeen days to his birthday, and then eighteen after that is Valentine's Day. I don't want to allow this to drag on that long. It isn't fair to either one of us. Can anyone offer any advice on what I should do from here?


Well-known member
Honestly, I think you should go with what that little voice in your head is telling you to do. I think it's telling you to dump your current boyfriend and search for what you are looking for.

And according to me no love is not the only thing that holds a relationship together.


Well-known member
It sounds like you are ready for this relationship to end. It seems unfair to him, and also to yourself, to keep it going as a favor to him. Breaking up is not an easy thing to do and feelings will get hurt, but it seems more unfair to just keep it going and sneaking around behind his back when you've developed feelings for someone else and you're not really into the relationship anymore.

I would just do it now rather than later.


Well-known member
Regarding the timing... There is never a good time to break up with someone, so waiting until it's the right time just won't work. It sucks that you going away, and his birthday and Valentine's Day all line up like that, but I can tell you that the timing isn't going to be the part that really hurts. When it comes right down to it, you have to do what's right for you.


Well-known member
Like Meg said, the timing is never good. But look at it this way, if you break up before you leave, then there will be that nice 3 week period where you can be surrounded by your family and friends, because even though you are the one calling it off, you'll still be hurting and you'll want support. Plus, perhaps things will have cooled off by the time you return to your apartment so you can just move on with things.


Well-known member
I think you know what you want to do already. If you are not really in love with him, and you are missing something in the relationship, then I would just let it go. You know whats best for you, and you don't sound like you want to waste any more time being in a relationship with someone that you're not really in love with.

I think you feel really bad about breaking up with him because of what happened with your last boyfriend. I'm sure that you feel/felt extremely guilty when he killed himself, whether you think it was your fault or not. (It wasn't your fault!) I think that you're afraid that something similar (or just as tragic) may happen when you break up with your current boyfriend. I think that you should tell him exacty how you feel. Tell him if its possible, you'd like to stay friends. If not, then you just have to go your separate ways.

Don't feel bad for breaking up with someone that you don't feel *that* connection with. You can either stay in the relationship and be unhappy forever, or break up with him and live your life and actually know what it feels like to truly love someone and have a good, healthy relationship

Good luck.


Well-known member
Thanks for all the advice, not that it really matters, because he dumped me out of no where on the way home from our little trip to the outlets so I could hit up the CCO. Talk about ruining my buzz.

As upset as I thought I wouldn't be, I can't stop crying or get the world to stop spinning.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ArsenicKiss
Thanks for all the advice, not that it really matters, because he dumped me out of no where on the way home from our little trip to the outlets so I could hit up the CCO. Talk about ruining my buzz.

As upset as I thought I wouldn't be, I can't stop crying or get the world to stop spinning.

Change can be frightening even when you want it. I hope that you start feeling better soon. Hang in there, we're here for you!


Well-known member
And.. Then I got stupid, and took him back. I am apparently a glutton for punishment.

Save me from myself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ArsenicKiss
And.. Then I got stupid, and took him back. I am apparently a glutton for punishment.

Save me from myself.

you have to mean what you say and do what you say you're going to do.

If you keep this up, you are going to stay in a neverending process of wanting to break up, losing the courage, him making you mad, you guys "breaking up", you taking him back, etc.

You're bound to be unhappy if you don't get the guts to just do it already. I can understand all the emotion behind it...but you've got to put your foot down. Sooner than later.


Well-known member
I'm inclined to say break up before you go away. Those 3 weeks away would be a good way to make it a clean break, and keep you from going back out of habit/nostalgia or guilt. When you do break up, try to avoid contact with him-- you can even use a line something like "I need some time alone to think about this." Especially if it's been deteriorating for a while, you'll probably get over it faster than you think. So crying and whatnot is normal, at some level you're mourning the loss of "the relationship," not the guy. (This from someone just coming out of a 4 yr+ relationship.)


Well-known member
Oh, I have SO been there. You aren't stupid. Just emotional.

I dated this guy in high school for three years. We broke up a couple of times but always got back together. Mainly because even though I knew I didn't want to be with him, I was terrified. I even moved from Texas to Maryland and transferred schools to be closer to him once we were in college.

The last time he dumped me, I finally got the strength to say no when he came crawling back two days later.

Funniest part is, I ended up married to his college roommate

Stay strong. If, deep down, you really DO want to be with him, then start working on your relationship. If you are just staying with him because you are scared and familiarity is easier, then garner all your strength and make a clean break.

You have the strength to do either one, you just need to decide what is best for YOU. Good luck!


Well-known member
Happy fun update time, I finally remembered who in the hell I actually am, because I managed to ditch his ass yesterday morning.

I think he doesn't want to end it now, but I realized that if I'm going around and doing what he wants, I certainly won't be doing what I want.