The job hunt


Well-known member
As some of you may know, Sephora has just let me go
I was a seasonal, and they only had room for one person...they needed someone who didn't have anything else going on. I'm so bummed, I really wanted to keep that job! Anyways, I'm on the job hunt again, and its looking pretty dismal. Its after the holidays, so most stores are pretty well staffed after keeping some of their seasonal hires. It could be my fault for being picky (I refuse to deal with clothes again!), but so far, there aren't too many prospects. I just phoned one MAC freestanding store and one MAC counter...the freestanding did not have positions open, and the MAC counter isn't having freelancing interviews until March or April. I would love, love, love to stay in cosmetics, but again, things are looking pretty dismal.
I've applied to Borders (bookstore) and Albertson's (groceries) already...out of sheer desperation, of course. I'm a total workaholic, and I absolutely NEED to have a job! This is the 1st time since high school that I've been out of a job, and for most of that time since high school, I've had 2 jobs. I'm just so bummed out...does anyone have any suggestions for me?


Well-known member
Craigslist is where I found my job and I love it. for retail customer service part time

Lots of other places... you can list your resume and a services section.

You are 19 don't be afraid to try new things you may even find a position you are totally ok with- it's how I got into tech support. They train, so it's not too bad and better paid than retail.

Also, look at local staffing companies you can choose exactly what fields and what base hourly rate they can offer you jobs for.

If you have any college hours under your belt consider sub teaching.

Good luck =)

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Temp agencies. That's what I'm doing right now. It isn't fun or glamorous, but it isn't awful and it pays bills. If you can type decently and answer a phone, you should be able to get something. You have to be very aggressive with them, though, like calling them often. Oh, go to as many as possible. I went to over 10 before one got my temp job for me.

If you're up to it, places are always looking for waitresses. Craig's List is the best place to look for jobs, period. I haven't had any luck with Careerbuilder, Monster, etc.


Well-known member
Call Macy's Union Square and Macy's Serramonte and get on the list for their freelancing interviews. They have them once a month so the next one will probably be in March is seriously that's like only a few weeks from now so it's no biggie.

If you really can't wait then apply at Macy's and Nordstroms for the cosmetics counters.


Well-known member
I just went to a job fair for a new restaurant opening up nearby. I originally wanted to be a server, but he said that if he hires me he's going to start me off as a hostess...which means minimum wage and no tips. Boo. Its a job though. He said he'll call by Tuesday.
My boss at Sephora recommended me for a new store opening in the same area...but its clothes, and I'm truly sick of working with clothes. I adore shopping for them of course, but working with them sucks!
I'm on the list for a freelance interview at MAC in Serramonte!

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