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the "kitten look"


Well-known member

So we start off with our boring, moisturized, homely face.

We put on some concealer to make our top eyelid to make our eyeshadow...er, stick. Something like that.

Then we slowly outline our eye, gradually getting wider (depends on your eye shape). We eventually taper it off upwards. Need a steady hand. Or you could dot along and then connect the dots...might work for some who can't get a smooth line.

BOOM. Yellow all over eyelid (i wet my brush so it doesnt go over the eyeliner) with Prestige's "Glitz". I love prestige. Five bucks.

Then we take our MAC "Chartreuse" pigment (or just take any shimmery green) and do a nice, blended line like so. Oh yeah, and my eyeliner is blue cause I was debating on whether I should have a blue line or a black line. Just ignore it.


Next I took MAC's "Knight Divine" e/s and concentrated the grey near the tapered-off eyeliner. Then I wet my brush and faded it into the green. So now we have a gradient of grey, green, and yellowz0rz.

Blend blend and you should get this.

Goop foundation on your face. Not too much, though. I use Marcelle's "True Radiance Foundation". But it's nearly out...so I'm going to switch to some all natural foundation (i'm a health freak)

Yay! A cropped out image (hence why it's tiny).
Kitten lips are easy to achieve. You don't need to find this colour of lipstick, you can make it! I took my mom's nude Bobbi Brown lipstick and blended it with MAC's "Rocking Chick" (that really really bright pink one). The nudey brown subdued it and it became a pretty pink.


Now for some old fashioned Maybelline mascara. I'm too cheap to buy anything else. I use the blackest of the black. Yeah, my eyelashes are long. Don't envy me---they're always stuck in my eye.

Whee, done. Pump those lashes.


And we're sort of finished! Emo pose time.

Give a coy look away from the camera...

Pose cutely.

the end.

NOW I MUST SLEEP...theguyilikeiscomingbackfromhisbandtrip...
andihavetogetsleeptolookprettyforhimatschooltomorr ow!

Wow, did I just say that?

Anyways, there's my first tutorial for you. Hopefully you get something out of it.
Even if it's something like "Wow, this girl is weird. How old is she?"
Sixteen. There, nothing more to comment.


Well-known member
Heh, this is awesome. The commentary is just as fun as the look itself. Rock on, you rad little thing, you... :p