the little pigment virgin needs help


Well-known member
i feel sooooo inexperienced BUT i finally worked up the courage and bought my 1st pigment on monday and still havent even opened it. i have no clue what im doing and im afraid im just going to make a huge nasty mess and waste half the bottle. any little tips pertaining to pigments would be much appreciated!


Well-known member
If you're clumsy you may want to invest in some smaller jars and just transfer a tsp into them. That way if you knock the little container over you won't be crying over lost pigment (especially the LE ones).
To use I would recommend leaning you head back and packing it on, not smushing it too much because it will kick up and go all over your face. If you still get to much fall out try using a damp brush (never stick a damp brush in the pigment jar though).
Use them in gloss and nail polish or even hair gel for some extra sparkle.


Well-known member
I would recommend using a primer for pigments. I could almost never get mine to stick/last without a primer. I use UDPP which is awesome or MAC Paints work great too! When I'm applying pigments I tilt my head back like the above reviewer said. I also sometimes tear off a square of toilet paper and hold that right under my lower lashes. That way the excess falls on the paper and not my face! Good luck and enjoy them!



Well-known member
you know how you when you open it, there's that little plastic disc. well, i open the lid and make sure that the disc is with the lid. instead of dipping my brush into the open jar, i dip/tap my brush on the plastic disc because there's enough pigment on it to use........seriously, those pigment jars last a loooooong time.

and if you are worried you'll knock the jar over, make sure you place it on something stable, like a table. no carpet, beds - anything not safe for you to place the jar on.

btw, what color did you get???


Well-known member
If you REALLY wanna jam that pigment on there, you can use some mixing medium. MAC Pro sells it, though you can make your own home-brew by mixing 1 part glycerin (first aid aisle for like, $3) and 3 parts water, I put mine into one of those MAC travel dropper bottles that go for like $2.50 CAN. Looks all official, and it works just as well. There are a number of ways to use mixing medium, you can either just barely dempen your brush with it, or (what I do when I want some serious pigment action) put a drop on the back of your hand then wipe it all over where you wanna put the pigment. It'll be watery, that's normal, but try not to completely soak your lid in mixing medium, or the pigment will be like, an inch thick.


Well-known member
I absolutely love the pigments. I do a combo of all of the above. I either put some in a smaller jar, or I only use the pigment on the lid. They are really hard to put on dry, so you will need a base..Udpp, water, mixing medium, vaseline etc. I personally use the water/mixing medium, or vaseline bases. Then just apply like you would any other shadow. I love the versatility of them, and they last forever!