The "My Knee is Screwed up and I need happy" hauls!


Well-known member
So, 2 days before Christmas I slipped on the ice at work and twisted my knee. At this point, it's been more than a month and I'm pretty sure I ripped my MCL completely off my bone. It hurts. I have to walk with a cane and can't bend my knee. On the bright side, I'm losing weight like crazy, but painfully. So I've needed happy.

First happy was the sale, with 2 hauls:

P+P Skin
Fix +
Brush Cleaner
Hush e/s

My friend and I were online, discussing our favorite MAC topic: eyeshadow, which led to my second haul the day after the first.

Plum Dressing
Honey Lust
Beauty Marked

Whoops. Should I have done that? Too late!

Then BBR came out a couple of days later. Sure enough, my knee was aching, I hadn't been out of the house in 3 weeks, and well...

Flip e/s
French Cuff e/s
Red Devil l/g
brush 214

Hmm and haa'd about 226, decided against it, and now need it. Anywho, yeah, throwing money around. But it made my knee happy. Alas, I was tired and had empties to take back and overall as of today had not been out of the house except for work. I can't walk to the bus, so I have to wait for transport everywhere. Arg. Then today I had a ride.


Naturally I lost my mind.

Sable e/s (free)
Texture e/s (free)
Gesso e/s
Newly Minted e/s
15 pan pallet

My knee feels very happy today.



Well-known member
Woo! Great haul!!

I hope your knee heals soon. I hurt mine skiing last weekend, and it's such a pain in the arse!


Well-known member
Awesome haul! I feel a few times in the Seattle snow and ice as well. I hope that you get to feeling better.


Well-known member
First of all, love the haul!

Second, I completely understand the pain about your knee. I've had so many knee issues. I have a Valgus disorder('knocked-knees') in both knees since I was little and it's been ridiculous. I've had surgery to straighten them and everything but they completely reverted back and now it's hard for me to walk sometimes and I can't run or anything.

I really do hope you feel better and the pain goes away for you.


Here is to a painless knee. I have a ruptured disc in my back and it is really painful. I go for a while with none or at least not much pain, then one wrong step and I am on the bed with a heating pad and painpills.

I find that shopping online is a major pain reducer.

Lots of great MAC you bought, I think I might need a little retail therapy myself.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone! My specialist appointment is Tuesday so I'll know then if I need surgery or just PT for months. Urg.

I'm feeling another haul coming up. I'll have to do some FOTDs. :p


Well-known member
OK, just saw this thread, and I'm sat here thinking....... should I hammer my own knee in, just so I have an excuse to shop like insane..... ha ha ha :)

Great hauling......hey if it makes you happy, it's good for your soul!


I hope you start feeling better!

last Wednesday i fell in the rain, sprained my ankle and my knee (i'm in a leg immobilizer)... now I have an excuse for when I look at the receipt for HK to make myself feel better
I needed it for my pain!