The nerd in me...Planet Earth Series On Discovery


Well-known member
Has anyone watched this? I am totally obessesed! I loove this series so much. I record it every Sunday on my DVR. I'm sooo amazed by the things they were able to capture on video. Very interesting, it's a 11 part series. They captured five years of footage that has not been seen by human eyes. They went to all 7 continents and 200 countries to record all the video.


Well-known member
zomg dude, I was just watching it right now! I love that it's in Hi-Def, but I'm not sure whether or not I'm getting it in HD... my screen is pretty wide, but it sure looks nice!

My favorite part this episode was the baby mandarin ducks jumping out of the tree...

I guess I'm a dork too!

Do you think it will come out on DVD? I'll buy all the episodes...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xbeatofangelx
Ahh wait it is on DVD already..

I was about to say, yeah it's on DVD. LOL Man, I wish I had HD. This stuff is sooo pretty.


Well-known member
Just watched it ... saved it on my DVR and watched it in HD... lol "the Forrest one''

"seasonal forrest"
"the future"
"deserts, ice worlds,Shallow sea"
"great plains,Jungles, fresh water"
"Pole to pole,MOuntains deep oceans"

my kids go crazy over some planet earth... Dh and i also are gaga over planet earth


Well-known member
I am OBSESSED! I love shows like this so much! My bf and I make a big deal out of Sundays and watching this, it's redonkulous. One of the best series I've ever watched.


Well-known member
We've been watching this since it started, also hooked. I love the dedication that these photographers show when wanting to cature these amazing moments.

What got me the most was the snow leopard footage. I know for a FACT that there aren't many videos of them, because I did a report on them a while back for one of my classes. That, and I love kitties lol.

The whole series is brutal and beautiful at the same time. I adore it, and it's honesty. Anyone see those caves tonight? I was eating when they showed the roaches, I swear I almost upchucked. BLEH.


Well-known member
I didn't watch the caves yet. But, that one when the ant got the parasite. Eeewww, I almoste puked on that one. lol


Well-known member
We love it too! I've TIVO'd all the episodes so far & plan to get the DVD later on. It's definitely renewed my love for the Discovery Channel hehe.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by IslandGirl77
I didn't watch the caves yet. But, that one when the ant got the parasite. Eeewww, I almoste puked on that one. lol

How ironic was it that Sigorney Weaver is the narrator.. I mean, at that scene, the irony was just overwhelmingly funny to me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by XsMom21
How ironic was it that Sigorney Weaver is the narrator.. I mean, at that scene, the irony was just overwhelmingly funny to me.

LOL, I know right? It did look like something straight out of Alien. I finally watched the caves last night. Eeeew, the glow worms grossed me out. And that huge pile of bat poo with all the roaches and stuff. Crazy!