The saddest thing happened today


Well-known member
I was in a garden centre cafe with my mummy, and suddenly this old lady collapsed and spilt her tea everywhere. I was the only person there apart from my mum who asked her if she was alright and tried to help her up, but then she started shaking, so I called an ambulance. But by the time they got there, she had died. It was so sad.
But the worst thing was, nobody even acknowledged it or seemed to care, they just went back to eating their pastries. I hate english people sometimes, seriously they can be so cold and emotionless.


Well-known member
It does sound like a sad experience, not only are we confronted with mortality, but people's indiference shocks me as well.

You did what you could though. As for other people's reaction, although shocking, we live in such a jaded society that people are afraid to reach and help others.


Well-known member
You did what you could though. As for other people's reaction, although shocking, we live in such a jaded society that people are afraid to reach and help others.

So true


Well-known member
I can't relate but my mom can. Something similar happened. It's not just Brits-its americans too.

You did a good thing, you and your mom. At least she didn't die alone. *HUGS*

And yes-it is sad-its horribly sad
But you did a good thing.


Well-known member
I'm sorry you had to experience that. That must have been pretty tough to handle. You and your mom are good people for doing your part to help.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It's a people thing. American, British, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, etc. People are horrible to each other and can't be bothered on a whole outside of their world. It really disgusts me when it's around holiday time and you're in a "Christian" country.

I'm glad you and your mother were there for the woman's last moments.


Well-known member
It's a universal thing. People can't be arsed with helping others anymore ... pity for them as they won't find any help when they need it, which they will.

You and your mom are top people ... mucho hugs to you and your mom.


Well-known member
that's so sad! i'm sorry you had to experience death like that
but you did the right thing by calling the ambulance and you and your mother were at least there with her in her last minutes.


Well-known member
I'm so sorry to hear that. That's just so sad. You are the type of person everyone should be and I'm glad that woman experienced kindness in her last moments.

It's true that people being self-absorbed and just terrible is a universal thing.
When I was in the Denver airport picking someone up once an old man collapsed and I believe had a massive heart-attack. Workers tried to revive him for a very long time but were unable to. There were literally hundreds of people standing around gawking. I know that is was something shocking and people wanted to see what happened to the man. But, the looks people were giving and just the starring seemed so disrespectful to me. I wanted to scream at people to stop gawking at the poor man and let him die with some dignity
I just don't understand people sometimes..


Well-known member
Statistically the more ppl there are in a room or area when something health related occurs, the less likely any one person will come out and help the person. They all think "someone else will do it."

That fact makes me and my sister both kinda anxious whenever we are in large crowds...

it's good to know that there are a few ppl (like you and your mum) who actually go and help...


Well-known member
what a sad thing to happen.

you and your mother did the right thing. people suck. really. no one wants to help anyone else these days.


Well-known member
Thank you for doing the best you could to help. It's so sad that the lady died. I'm sorry you had this experience and hope that you don't feel bad about it.