The ultimate smokey shadows to put in a quad?


Well-known member
Hey guys.

It's my Mam's birthday in 2 weeks and I want to treat her to some MAC. She never buys high-end make-up for herself, as much as she'd love to, so I thought I'd do it for her. So far on my list is Feline liner, Gentle blush, and I want to make a quad for her. What colours (bearing in mind she normally wears navy/grey/brown on her eyes) should I put in the quad to make the perfect smokey eye for her?

Also, any lipstick suggestions? I was thinking of getting Pure Rose l/s from the Ungaro collection, but she thought it was too pale when she tried mine.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by LP_x
Thanks Susanne. Do I need both Carbon and Black Tied though?

Carbon is the perfect matte black for the outer V, and I love the velvet finish of Black Tied in the crease.

But you could take Espresso instead of one of the two blacks.


Well-known member
hmm.. i would say :

Carbon / Black Tied (Carbon if she's not into shimmers or glitters)
Gesso / Shroom (Shroom for a lighter shade) --> Highlighters
Expensive Pink / Woodwinked --> for lid (i personally prefer expensive pink cause i love neutral with quite a hint of pink)
Espresso / Satin Taupe --> either works fine (espresso is a matte color while satin taupe is more shimmery but not that much)

if you're after more of a plain smokey eye, go for :
Silver Ring


Well-known member
I think it's safe to say that Carbon is a must-have then!

Thanks everyone.


Well-known member
For a smokey eye quad I would suggest:

-Carbon/Black Tied
-Knight Divine
-White Frost

-any of the Viva Glam's
-Politely pink

Sounds like a pretty sweet birthday gift- she'll love it (who wouldn't?!)!


Well-known member
Just a though, if she likes navy how if you would replace carbon with nehru? It's a really pretty bluish black. So my combo would be Nehru, Knight Divine (or Silver Ring), Electra and Vanilla.


Well-known member
Ah I was looking at Nehru and Deep Truth, but since I only have DT I can't compare the two.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LP_x
Ah I was looking at Nehru and Deep Truth, but since I only have DT I can't compare the two.

They are very different. Nehru is matte and looks allmost black, it's like a blueblack and DT is a dark blue frost finish and not blackish at all.


Well-known member
for the quad:
brown smokey eye: Carbon (must have), Satin Taupe (best e/s ever!), Dazzlelight or Shroom, and a matte like Kid or Soft Brown or Malt
if you want more of grey tones: Carbon, Knight Devine, Electra or Silver Ring, and Gesso or Crystal Ave

for lips.... Hue or Politely Pink! those are my HG perm nudes!


Well-known member
A lot of the suggestions made above are great, but if its for your mum I think she might prefer matte and more heavy neutral colours:

I recommend the following:

Brown smokey - Omega, Charcoal brown, Shroom, Saddle, Kid, Sable

Grey -Scene, Knight Devine, Shroom, Shale, Typographic

Navy - Graphology, Naval, Moons Reflection, Shroom

Remember, smokey is a technique and not colours so go for shades you know she can use for daytime looks and a couple she can use to build up to create a more evening look. Smokey eyes can be achieved by using two colours just on their own (electra and knight devine for example)...

good luck.. hope ur mum enjoys her bday and present!


Well-known member
Thanks so much everybody - you've given me lots to think about. She totally rocks the smokey eye look, so I really want to give her colours that are wearable and workable.

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