the walking dead just got SEXYYY


Well-known member

hey guys i havent posten anything in a while but i thought i would share my halloween look last night. i was a crazy zombie n i must say it was a hit!!


Well-known member
hahha thanks alot ladies it took me a long time to accompish this & i had such a good time doing it. I used liquid latex layered with cheap single ply toilet paper for the 'dead' part of my skin, bunched up the edges then peeled off a big for hanging skin effect. covered it with my regular foundation. i used red cream face pain for the inside then used burgandy and black eyeshadow for a better dead look hahahaha and fake blood from the halloween shop!

it looks awesome and took a while to layer the latex and let it dry but it really is a simple task!


Well-known member

thought i would add this picture, it was right after i finished the look so its still fresh hhahaha... the ics above were after a long night out!!


Well-known member
Haha I know it looks terrible but it was so easy to do and I didn't even remember it was on my face after a while! So easy to take off too!!