The war in Iraq (split from WHO is Jesus?)


Active member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch

Do you ever also begin to think that the educational process in the US (and again I'm not trying to corner you-this is more of a friendly chatter if you will!) hehe!
is very biased to certain political parties and the beginning of the loss of the individual right to think for themselves? I've noticed a lot of this going on in my area and it really infuriates me.

It's amazing how they can show us the cowboy and indian story but make the indians bad not telling of the actual horrors that actually happened (like the smallpox and what really happened on the first thanksgiving).

I also wonder if this lovey dovey stuff being taught in our schools has been really beneficial. Im kind of unnerved because Im seeing that our schools are teaching as little as they can to get by and we do have so many students who truely are ignorant.

the 'lovey dovey' stuff....I like that phrase, btw....doesn't really reflect history. History is also written by the winners, and the indians have different recollections of events than is in the textbooks. If the indians won, it was a massacre, but if the whites won, it was a battle? so if someone truly wanted to research - and yes, it is time consuming - history, they need to realize some things - time isn't static; it goes one direction; bad things happened.

I say bad things happened to include a number of things, and type of things, both in the USofA history and World History as well. the holocaust (spelling might be off there) happened. The internment of citizens of the USofA happened. The eradication of peoples here happened - native american tribes shoved aside. I happen to like history. I'm privileged to know a couple of folk who are AWESOME historians. And the more I learn, the more fascinated I am.

And the more irritated I get with those who (ie ACLU) want to DENY so much of our country's history. The Ten Commandments hulabaloo regarding Judge Moore was STUPIDITY at it's best. The fact that slavery happened doesn't need to be removed from the text book. The fact that it happened should be taught, and then the admonition given that we need to recognize it for what it was.
unfortunately, there are many who want to take that yoke and wear one of public assistance - slavery without a visible shackle.

and knowing how to think? please, encourage it. I don't see it happening as much.

I could really climb on my soap box with this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NtheSticks
I could really climb on my soap box with this.

please do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i look forward to reading it


Well-known member
2nd! This will be interesting because I actually so far completely agree with everything you've said thus far regarding the educational system.

So please definately climb on that soapbox and lets go on from there!


Active member
I'll confine my comments to US history, because a-I have more resources available, b-I like it therefore have studied more, and c-because I'm the one on the soapbox.

There currently is a movement to remove any reference to God from schools, because it might offend someone. The problem with that is that this country was founded on Christian principles. Those principles are an integral part of our history, hence the REFERENCES to God as the higher authority are part and parcel of our history.

so stop trying to take it out.

Literature - there are a great many books that are truly classics. To say that "Huck Finn" or "Tom Sawyer" are demeaning to blacks is ludicrus considering that the time frame they were written in, blacks were considered property by some people. That has changed. So read the book, accept that people thought that way then, and that the thinking has changed. "Grapes of Wrath" or "Gone With The Wind" or "Jane Eyre" or "When The Legends Die" or "Cold Sassy Tree" are all good books. Read and grow. on occasion, read a non-fiction book. I could suggest several, and discuss them too.

Math - a person must be able to do math - at least the simple stuff that let's you make change for a dollar - easily and accurately. 1+1=2 and that's it. I was once told it is the universal language.

Failure - IF I don't do the work assigned in class, I get an F. If I don't get anything but F's, then I don't get to pass to the next grade 'because it'll damage my little psyche' but I would get my fanny busted with a belt. I did get a few whippings when I was a kid, because I didn't obey. disobedience has consequences.

Science - necessary to understand do not mix amonia and bleach. Altho there are some people I wish would do it and inhale the fumes just because their self sufficiency is sooooo lacking, I'm sure in the big scheme of things, they are serving their purpose. I don't know what it is beyond being a challenge to deal with, but I am not in charge. And I thank Him daily for me NOT being in charge.

I'll bring some more to the table later. I've got to get my duff in gear, because just as actions reap consequences, INACTION does too.


Well-known member
ITA! That's a very good idea and if the politicians in washington would know and listen---

but the problem is (and I will disagree with you on the fact of the nation founded on Christianity but we'll let that slide lol) is the parents. Parents dont care about their children. (I know Im about ot really start a flame up here) but I've worked with the school system before and it has been an embarressement. It seemed to me that the parents had the kids to be "En Vogue" and be the ideal family without realizing you have a responsibility to teach and help and nurture this little person.

I remember one time I had to buy shoes for a kid because his parents refused too and they were well off! They would rather spend money on Cigs, tans and bad makeup and slutty or designer (is there a difference :p LOL) clothes rather than watch their kid.

And if they really cared about their kid they'd realize that NO they are NOT perfect!
Discipline your kid for crying out loud.

Just because your kid isnt learning anything doesnt mean its the teachers fault-its YOUR fault for not helping them.

*GAH* bangs head on desk.

Sorry this is a hot button of mine as well *sits down*


Active member
I state my case of our nation being founded on Christian principles due to extensive reading. One good, easy reading, book to check would be "The Light And The Glory" by Peter Marshall. but on with the discussion.....
parents not caring...I am blessed to be in an area where the parents are involved. As involved as they need to be? not all of them. And it shows. It shows in a kid's perception of their importance in the scheme of things.
Discipline? Too many people equate discipline with punishment. Not just the politicians or parents, but educators too. grrr. Discipline is what makes me get my fanny out of bed of a morning and go to work. Discipline is what I have to have to choose to eat the right things, move the body, and take care of myself. Discipline is what is needed so I have clean clothes and body, yada yada yada.

Discipline goes with respect. You might demand respect, but it truly is something that has to be earned. TOO many parents have the 'just one more time' mentality and one more time never gets here.

I'm old school. I told you if you didn't do <insert whatever chore here> you would loose <insert whatever privilege here> and I have to MEAN IT for it to work. and the ultimate punishment for infraction of the rules is a busted fanny.

I'm also old school enough to teach the kids that you have choices to make. those choices have consequences. Some consequenses won't be seen immediately. Some may be many years down the road. Some, of course, are immediate.

I also think letting kids make choices in age appropriate ways and letting them live with the consequences is one way to teach them to think and a cause/effect relationship.

I'll come back w/more thoughts...part of that fanny in gear thing I've got to deal with.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
I.....but since when have politicians ever told the truth? ......

I'm saddened by the fact that you seem to employ so many stereotypes and cliches. Such as the above quote, or the war being about oil. I get the impression that you are basing your views on sound bites and things you have overheard people saying.