Thinning down "Stripe right" polishes.


Well-known member
I just got 27 and a couple need thinning by a few %

HELP ME!! The first listed ingredient is "aqua" which I assume I am correct in thinking is just posh for water.

I guess this means they are acrylic polymer based rather than solvent based. Which in itself is made of win.

What do I thin these with? Water?
I'm not comfortable doing that without knowing it's tried and tested.

Nail polish thinner? Same again, I really like the colours and don't want to naff them up.

Acrylic paint thinner? My common sense says "No, don't put that sh*t on your nails"

Any ideas?


Well-known member
Whenever I go to a nail salon, I always see the nail techs use a bit of nailpolish thinner right in the bottle.

I've personally used a bit of nail polish remover on an older bottle to see if it did the same and it worked - but if you don't wanna screw up the colour, you might not want to go that route.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
Whenever I go to a nail salon, I always see the nail techs use a bit of nailpolish thinner right in the bottle.

I've personally used a bit of nail polish remover on an older bottle to see if it did the same and it worked - but if you don't wanna screw up the colour, you might not want to go that route.

On this exact brand?

If so that's awesome! Because I'm savvy with most brands, you can normally tell by the kind of solvent they use. Just water totally threw me off! lol

I'll do a couple of test runs when I get home tonight and post results.

Btw, anyone know a UK stockist for these? I NEED more!!!


Well-known member
i just use nail polish thinner... for all brands. i know that many brands make them, i just buy whatever is on sale and it works for me.

Honey xOo

Well-known member
I use Beauty Secrets Thinner with mine. Just start off with a tiny amount and add more as you need to.
You can order them from, I'm not sure if they ship outside of the US though. I'd try looking up the company's official site and maybe they sell and ship worldwide.


Well-known member
12.27 here we go. I'm about to add thinner... dundundun..

12.29 Roly roly roundy handy..

12.30 some more rolling

12.31 UNf!!
Thanks guys!!!! much love!!

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