This is going to seem so lame, but for me it's pretty important =/


Well-known member
So, as I've said, this is probably going to be THE lamest post on this board.

I've played lacrosse since I was in 9 years old. I had stopped playing for a year when I just turned 19, and honestly it's driving me crazy for all the wrong reasons.

I've used lacrosse throughout my life to get away from a lot of problems in my house. I used it to vent out aggression, physically become stronger and actually bond with girls my age. For me, it built up a lot of self-discipline that I'm pretty sure I wouldn't of had today if I had not joined.

I gave it up a year ago to go to a school that didn't have lacrosse nor the funding to even create a lacrosse club. With a lot of things going on in my life right now, I really need that ability to get away from it all for a couple of hours a day just to use up some energy on the game and not on my problems.

I came back home, and am transferring to another school which has Club Lacrosse...only to find out I can't join. Their playing/practice schedule interferes with my job schedule TREMENDOUSLY. Unfortunately, I am not at a job where my hours are flexible.

I wouldn't ask whether I should have a job or play lacrosse, the answer is pretty obvious, I need to keep a job. But at this point, I don't know what else that can help me emotionally and physically. Physically, I feel myself gaining weight, I feel myself bottling up anger that I shouldn't have so much of, and I've basically reverted to being the quiet, lonely girl with no friends. It's such a flip-flop of my character before I quit the game.

One would never think that a silly sport could do so much to a person, but doesn't everyone have their own niche? Something that they're good at, you know?

Er, help? o_O


Well-known member
Are there any less time consuming club teams you could join? Or maybe try something different like Ultimate Frisbee? Or if it's the training you like more than the competitiveness of the games, maybe join a triathalon group?

I totally know what you mean tho'. I row and have for well-over 10 years. Started out in college and now I row on a competitive masters team (we practice a lot and even travel nationally). Rowing is a huge part of my life and such an enormously important part of my social circle (probably 85% of my friends are rowers).

Is there any possibility you could find a different job with more flexible hours? Jobs are important but, in my view, you work to live, not live to work. Rowing means enough to me that if my job interferred, I'd seriously think about looking for a new job.


I don't think it's lame.

Lacrosse was your way to relax, unwind, and socialize. Aside from any fitness value it brings - when you took that out of the equation, you limited your daily "de-stress" routine, you limited your socialization, AND you limited your activity levels. That's actually quite a change.

Have you looked for any local or neighborhood sports clubs - any sport, even football/soccer? This won't necessarily replace the socialization; but have you tried jogging or running? (I didn't recommend something like walking, aerobics, or yoga because they are a bit less active and are more solitary pursuits, where soccer/football is a team sport and is faster-moving. Running *might* give you a higher-level regular physical activity to get you out of the house and get you moving, on your schedule.)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tremorviolet
Are there any less time consuming club teams you could join? Or maybe try something different like Ultimate Frisbee? Or if it's the training you like more than the competitiveness of the games, maybe join a triathalon group?

I totally know what you mean tho'. I row and have for well-over 10 years. Started out in college and now I row on a competitive masters team (we practice a lot and even travel nationally). Rowing is a huge part of my life and such an enormously important part of my social circle (probably 85% of my friends are rowers).

Is there any possibility you could find a different job with more flexible hours? Jobs are important but, in my view, you work to live, not live to work. Rowing means enough to me that if my job interferred, I'd seriously think about looking for a new job.

unfortunately, lacrosse is the only thing I'm really good at and the only thing i really feel like i belong into. I tried out for many other teams (my high school didn't have lax that year, ugh), and I never made the cut.

funny enough, i'm more into being competitive because it sets my mind on one track and one track alone, yanno? and it sucks because the current job i'm at, was the first job that i could manage to find in 3 months of looking for one. i am looking for another job but its hard when i dont have much to do so.

thanks for your advice =]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LiAnn
I don't think it's lame.

Lacrosse was your way to relax, unwind, and socialize. Aside from any fitness value it brings - when you took that out of the equation, you limited your daily "de-stress" routine, you limited your socialization, AND you limited your activity levels. That's actually quite a change.

Have you looked for any local or neighborhood sports clubs - any sport, even football/soccer? This won't necessarily replace the socialization; but have you tried jogging or running? (I didn't recommend something like walking, aerobics, or yoga because they are a bit less active and are more solitary pursuits, where soccer/football is a team sport and is faster-moving. Running *might* give you a higher-level regular physical activity to get you out of the house and get you moving, on your schedule.)

I currently am doing Yoga (for class credit no less!) but I need the push of being on the field and having to run a mile before practice starts, that kind of thing. Lax also gave me motivation to win and be better, and I'm not feeling that from Yoga. As stated above, I'm attempting to look for another job but the key word here is "attempting", haha. i might try to look for more local lax clubs instead of college lax.

thanks for the advice! =]