Tinted mosturiser after primer?


Well-known member
Hi there,

I'm heading away to turkey in june for a weeks holiday and I'm very consious about spf and looking after my skin while in the heat as I've very fair skin that burns exteremly easy, I also have pretty dry aswell.

I have bought MACs spf 50 primer and was wondering if it would be a waste of money to buy bobbi browns spf tinted mosturiser balm as I'm not sure if the mosturiser side of it would work threw the MAC primer. Would I be best just using my normal mosturiser under the primer and stick with my light cover foundation over the primer?

Thanks in advance


Well-known member
What I usually do when I want to wear tinted moisturizer is use my regular moisturizer, MACs P&P spf50 primer, then the tinted moisturizer. If you have dry skin, this might be a good idea too


Well-known member
In hot humid weather, I think you could skip the moisturizer -- it might make the primer glop up (and the spf is very necessary in the sun). Any amount of spf you use in the hot sun will help your skin. Remember lips burn very easily, so a lip balm with spf would be great. I would not use anything of the primer except a loose powder -- in hot climates everything gets gloppy