Tips on fixing/using wonky cosmetics


Well-known member
Sorry mods, I searched and I couldn't quite find a thread that focused on this topic. If one exists, please point me to it or merge, thanks!

So I decided that this could be where regardless of brand, we can help each other find ways to work with products that don't work for us like they used to, if at all. I've seen tips sprinkled throughout other threads but not one dedicated to these tips.

Some people seem to have problems with gel/cream liners that dry out on them I experimented with my HIP creme liners that had gone a little dry one me. I thought I read here that someone used either Fix+ or water based mixing medium to revive a dried paint pot, I sprayed a shot of Fix+ in each pot that didn't seem to be as creamy as they were. I didn't mix though, I just sprayed and close the jar. A few days later, and the pots are as good as ( maybe better?) new. The staying power had not been compromised at all. I have a paint pot whose cap is cracked that I'm gonna a try this on a next since it's starting to pull away from the sides.

I've also heard people complain about how they're having trouble getting a nice point on their MUFE Aqua Eyes pencils and Urban Decay 24/7 liners w/o the point breaking. Both companies make sharpeners that supposedly work very well with these very soft liners, but I'm a cheapass and I ain't paying that much money for a sharpener (7 and 8 USD respectively). I mean, I don't even pay that much for my shapeners for my drawing pencils at the art supply! So you know what I found that works beautifully? Wet and Wild's 99 cent double sharpener.

Y'all got any product saving tips to share?



Well-known member
If your eyeliner is soft and breaks when you sharpen it, put it in the fridge for like an hour and then sharpen.


Well-known member
Not a wonky product as such, but I use mascaras I don't like the formula of for tightlining instead. I think it works quite well, especially with WP ones.
I can't compare it to using fluidlines and similar products, since I prefer liquid liner and don't own a single gel eyeliner, but it's nice to be able to get some use out of mascaras I really don't like on my lashes!