To buy or not to buy?


Active member
MAC Paintpots, should I buy one? I never use a primer for my shadow and It does fade throughout the day.
What are the pros and cons of paintpots?
Thanks for your help :)


Well-known member
I have Painterly and Groundwork. They are great as a base. The only thing is that it takes quite some time to finsh them and u risk having them dry out after an extended period of months. But I think as long as you keep them sealed pretty tight they are good. I've had mine for over a year now and I haven't finshed either of them but they aren't dried out either. HTH


Active member
well, im considering getting bare study on thursday when i also buy refil pans of patina and satin taupe but idk about the paint pots yet i dont know too much about them to be honest.


Active member
also....i just googled them and im not sure if i like how bare study looks under brown eyeshadows...or perhaps maybe it was just the womans camera from the photos, i don't know. Is there a better one for brown e/s? or will bare study look ok?


Well-known member
i dont really use paint pots as a primer because they tend to crease on me. if you wear make up for a long time and also have slightly oily lids paint pots won't work that well. i actually prefer the mac paints and they have lots in natural looking colours. stillife is my favourite one. because they are dryer they last much longer. :)


Well-known member
I actually don't use paint pots as bases, but instead, as shadows (which is honestly how I always thought they were meant to be used!). I do use a primer underneath them, though. I've never had any problems with creasing and can't offer up any cons for their use. I've just started using a cream shadow brush with them and it has really helped lay down the colors nice and even.

Miss Berri

Well-known member
Paint pots work really well on most people however they do not work on everyone. I really like MAC paints if your really oily but if your still crease with those try urban decay primer potion in EDEN. NOT the original primer potion. Its the only primer I can use to keep me from creasing. Too faced shadow insurance also works well if you dont have a tube that separates and is runny.


Well-known member
I used to use Painterly PP, but once I discovered Too Faced Shadow Insurance I never looked back. I have quite oily lids and I can have my eye makeup on for 16+ hours without it creasing over TFSI


I use MAC Painterly Paint Pot everyday! I've seen how it doesnt work for some people- but I can hardly wear eyeshadow without it! Highly suggest it.


Well-known member
i have painterly and bare study. for some reason if i use my finger instead of a brush, it seems to last longer. weird.