Toby Cosy Toes


Well-known member
My shelter doggy Toby
[Cosy Toes cause he sits on my feet to keep em warm!] Didn't know how great it could be to come home to a happy face and an excitable little dance after a crappy day.

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Do let me know if you can't see them, very new to adding pics!

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
omg, i love him!!! so scraggly and cute!! i love wire haired dogs! they look like old men! (that's a good thing in my eyes, no offense meant)
I love him! He's a cutie!!!


Well-known member
Thanks guys, yeah he's a straggle-muffin and I love it! I especially love how long his legs are, and how his ears are so soft but the rest is like a little wire brush!