Tony Blair spends £1,800 on make-up


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BBC News
Prime Minister Tony Blair has spent more than £1,800 of taxpayers' money on cosmetics and make-up artists since coming into office, it has emerged.

At today's exchange rate that's about 3,200 US Dollars or 2,600 Euros.

Mr Aherne, the Irish Prime Minister spends way more than this though as you'll see in the news story which is online at BBC News here (you don't need to register)

Now imagine how much money cosmetics companies could charge for makeup that made politicians look honest or intelligent!


Well-known member
That's awesome. I heard this once before I think. Can you imagine what Bush's total must be? He ALWAYS looks slathered in coverup and perfectly clean-shaven....

It makes sense that when they are getting little sleep and are stressed out, they still need to look good, As though they have their shit together. And right now Bush has a lotttt to be stressed over, the idiot.

/end TEENY political rant :spy:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Next thing you'll be telling me that Mr. macho Governator wears makeup too!

But of course! He was in the entertainment industry for a very long time! I reckon he's slathered in a ton of makeup.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by exodus
But of course! He was in the entertainment industry for a very long time!

He still is isn't he?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mac_obsession
rofl visivo!! he is a blithering idiot

blithering idiot - hmm - I can imagine that being a good name for an eyeshadow or a lipstick


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
He still is isn't he?

Hahaha whoops silly me. But of course!


Well-known member
Hahaha, the first time my father called to tell me about Tony Blair and his makeup, I said, "Well, did the news article say it was MAC makeup??!!?"


Well-known member
Wow, my consumption habits pale in comparison. Oh what I would give to see that man's shopping diary! Or the person who recorded all the cosmetic/beauty purchases he makes into a diary! Does he have favourite brands?!?

I'd hate to see his clothing expenditure. But I'm more comfortable with the government spending taxpayers' money on weapons of mass seduction rather than destruction. heh heh.